You are dancing around terms, David, and offering a strawman. No one suggested men are not dead in their sins. But it is a fallacy to assume this means Adam was spiritually alive and then died spiritually when he sinned.We are dead and sin John. Yes, that is a fact. Adam was not dead in sin prior to fall because he had not sinned. He was not born in sin like we are. So in the day that he sinned, on that very day, that very moment, he became spiritually dead in his sin. Yes, that is absolutely a fact found in Scripture.
How was Adam spiritually alive?
Was it when he was created or when God put him in the Garden?
Why was Adam's "spiritual life" so ineffective?
What are the fruits you see of spiritual life in Adam?
Can you post even one verse that states Adam was created a spiritual being (spiritual life) because I can (and have) provided a verse to the contrary (that Adam was created a natural man, not a spiritual man)?
Being born in sin is not a sin itself. It is being born "under the law of sin and death".
Again. Difference between pre-post fall.
You know what I believe. I do not believe this Life has changed pre-fall to post-fall because I believe Christ is this Life and we are made alive when God puts His Spirit in us. I do not believe the Fall changed God in any way. Jesus did not become life when Adam sinned. He is eternally the Life through Whom all things were made and through whom everything exists. Apart from Christ there is no life.
But you have not explained what you believe spiritual life is.
Please define this life. How can Christ be the Life post-fall but not pre-fall? Are you suggesting John 1 applies only to Jesus after the fall?