Roman Catholicism and the total abuse & murder of children (incl. abortion).
Those attempting to defend Roman Catholicism when they are clearly in error, always resort to a dirty trick of distraction, and so when 'on the ropes', 'backed into a corner' when facts are clearly presented that they cannot (will not) answer, they often like to tout that they are the protectors of the 'innocent', and especially like to 'blow their trumpet' when it come to 'abortion' and 'rights to life', but when all is looked at carefully, they are one of the worst hypocrites in this matter, having abused, tortured, raped, bought and sold lives, murdered, committed adulteries, sodomies, not only in their long sordid history, to adults, but and this the most grievous, children, both born and having yet to be born from the womb. It will be documented in this thread.
What most do not know, is that Roman Catholicism defines very specifically who the 'innocent' are. Anyone that is classified by their own man-made rules (Canon law to this very day), an 'obstinate heretic' is no longer 'innocent', do not have any longer the 'right to life', are to be treated as a contagion to be contained or eliminated, and this also includes the children and even the unborn (in the womb), and can be put to death under the doctrine of the 'two swords' (Augustine; Aquinas, etc) and 'just war' dogmas. Then what happens is another tactic that follows, which is the 'plausible deniablity' clause, or the Roman Catholic plea of 'it wasn't us (church) it was them (govt)', all the while never admitting the facts of the case.
Walter, this one's especially for you, I do hope you think on these things, before spouting off at the fingertips in your SJW mindset, for you are about to look the devil in the face).
Plead read this book -
"Eaters of Children" by Johnny Cirucci (WARNING, very graphically
documented, not for the faint of heart, including satanic ritual abuse, murder, etc) on the abuse, torture and murder of children by Roman Catholicism in the highest eschelons.
Please consider what goes on behind the closed doors of the Roman Catholic system:
So, as is stated by Walter:
Let's see if this is actually true, or if the whole truth is not being shown.
The official position of the Seventh-day Adventist movement, even from its key personalities, such as brother James White, sister Ellen G White and others:
"Few are aware of the fearful extent to which
this nefarious business, this worse than develish practice, is carried on in all classes of society! Many a woman determines that she will not become a mother, and
subjects herself to the vilest treatment, committing the basest crime to carry out her purpose. And many a man, who has 'as many children as he can support.' instead of restraining his passions, aids in the destruction of the babes he has begotten. {1870 JW, SOAP 100.2}
The sin lies at the door of both parents in equal measure; for the father, although he may not always aid in the murder, is always accessory to it, in that he induces, and sometimes even forces upon the mother the condition which he knows will lead to
the commission of this crime. {1870 JW, SOAP 100.3}
"But the effort to destroy the child is [101] many times unsuccessful, and the little one is born with murder in his heart, stamped there by the murderous intentions of his own mother. And what wonder that these inborn passions should lead him to the lowest depths of degradation both as regards the body and the soul! Many a child lives to mature years, dwarfed and deformed in body, and irritable and imbecile in mind, a disgrace to himself and to the race, who might have been a model of beauty and strength, both physically and mentally, but for the attempts of his parents
to destroy his life before he was born. {1870 JW, SOAP 100.4}
"And besides all this,
the consequences of such a practice are most disastrous both upon the physical and moral nature of those whose souls are stained with this terrible sin. The general health of the mother is often ruined, and the generative organs seriously injured. No system can endure the shock produced by
this unnatural crime without being more or less impaired, while many a woman meets
death as a penalty for her sin; others live, but are never again in a condition to conceive, and often suffer constantly in consequence of their fiendish endeavors; while others still are enabled to bear children, but with such anguish as no tongue may tell, and the child thus born is frequently a curse to himself and all with whom he is connected." {1870 JW, SOAP 101.1} ..."
- James Springer White (Husband to Ellen G. White, and prominent leader of Seventh-day Adventist Movement), A Solemn Appeal, pages 100.2-101.1
"... SPIRITUALISM is the worst form of infidelity, because of its wonder-working, and snake-like charming propensities. We present in this article a few extracts, 1 showing from the writings of spirits and Spiritualists that
the tendency of Spiritualism is ungodly and corrupting; that it leads to adultery, fornication, desertions, unjust divorces, prostitution,
abortion, insanity, and suicide. {March 25, 1862 JWe, ARSH 131.9}
..." - James Springer White (Husband to Ellen G. White, and prominent leader of Seventh-day Adventist Movement), Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, March 25, 1862, page 131.9
Now, let's see what Rome teaches and practices (briefly, and more detail will be given later):
Who was it that allowed Abortion in the United States government, in the Roe Vs Wade case? If you said "catholicism" and "Roman Catholics" you would be right! Here it is:
One of the 'Justices' of the Supreme Court, during the Roe v Wade, was a Roman Catholic, named, “William Joseph Brennan, Jr.”, who
“... voted to legalize abortion.” -
Was Roe Vs. Wade Decided By a Republican Court?
Was Roe Vs. Wade Decided By a Republican Court?
Religion of the Supreme Court
'Justice' William Joseph Brennan, Jr. was
not Latae Sententiae excommunicate because the law of Romanism is to undermine the Protestant ethic, weaken a nation morally, subvert the people, and to eliminate its enemies through population control, while Catholic families multiply, though some will be caught in the crossfire.
It is simply the modern warfare of the Roman Catholic ideology of
“just war” continued through legislation and legal practice, instead of assault by armies, in which the wombs of protestant mothers were ripped open, children killed, heads dashed against the rocks, thrown over cliffs, thrown to dogs, and so on. The history of Roman Catholicism is open for anyone to read.
In fact, even at present, there are many in the Roman Catholic system today that want abortion legalized, and it has been all over the news, and they even have campaigns and websites for promoting abortion:
Catholics for Choice - "...
Catholics for Choice believes in a world where everyone has equal access to the full range of reproductive healthcare services—
including access to safe and legal
abortion services and affordable and reliable forms of contraception. ..." -
- Catholics for Choice
"... And although religious groups have been some of the most vocal anti-abortion advocates in America, the
majority of people who got abortions in 2014 identified as religious, with 17 percent listing themselves as mainline Protestant, 13 percent as evangelical, and
24 percent as Roman Catholic.
The abortion rate among Catholic women was about the same as the national average, while among evangelical women it was about half the national average. ..." - VOX -
Abortion in America, explained in 10 facts