Do you believe the adoption happens at conversion if so what do you make of rom 8.23 ?
The present condition of creation is not its final one; it is like a mother groaning in labor pains. The entire creation has a destiny planned by God, and longs to be fulfilled, much as believers do . Our salvation has begun—we have the Holy Spirit as a down payment—but it will not be consummated until the resurrection (the full realization of adoption in Christ, refer verse 23). Inevitably, therefore, the Christian life involves patient waiting in hope.
So if God predestined us to be resurrected, which fully happens at the adoption of our (glorified )bodies, you do know we get a totally new and different body unlike the one we have now.
Romans 8
30 Moreover, whom he predestinated, them also he called, and whom he called, them also he justified, and whom he justified, them he also glorified.
Glorified means to have that resurrection glorified by God body, which happens at the Resurrection of the Just.
To be resurrected means to be embodied again and occurs after our physical death.
The wicked are also resurrected into an unglorified type of body, and they are burnt in the lake of fire.