So quote it from Official Catholic Doctrine, then look at the Apologetics.
I did that. Didn't find what I expected. Of course, if you are looking hard enough to find something, chances are you are going to find it. Then, perhaps, spend countless hours on a forum trying to convince other people
this is what they believe...
We don't? Who exactly are you pointing men to?
What, and miss out on aggravating a few people?
Gee, that sounds like...every group out there.
I'm particularly fond of "If you don't quit your faith group and join mine you are destined to an eternity of Hell...!"
Then so can every other group. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
Seriously, though, perhaps that is how you define a cult, whereas I define a cult as any group that (specifically) errs as to Who Jesus Christ, the central figure of There is a bit of a difference in this Age because prior to the New Covenant God gave respect to those among the Gentile (Pre and Post Law) that performed the works of the Law written on their hearts. But in this Age "faith in God," formerly acceptable, has given way to specific faith in Christ, and specifically faith in the Resurrection.
So I identify a cult by those who pervert the Knowledge of Christ. This would properly include religions that flatly deny veracity of the Lord.
Absolutely. It was not a decision for me to acknowledge God was True when He showed me my sin, His Righteousness, and my destiny. That generated my response which was to plead with Him to forgive me, and save me from that judgment.
He did that.
It is a little like writing a post. I could say, MennoSota, you are in fact a very offensive fellow, and in doing so, I can create a response from you that perhaps you think you are above (getting angry by a personal remark on a forum). The response was not something you decided beforehand to do, and it may be that it was well without your power to refrain from that response. Or, I could say, "I see you are, my friend, a very sincere believer, who like me, has a burden for souls and the truth of God's Word, and want to do everything you can while you are here to make the numbers of the lost smaller than it was before you were saved." Again, a response will likely issue forth, and are not the one that generated that response...I was.
So too with God enlightening the natural man to the truth of the Gospel, He reveals the truth, and we respond. It is typical for men to respond within the capacity of a nature that has not the eternal indwelling of God, which is why Christ's teaching overwhelmingly reflect a many/few ratio.
So yes, God has made me alive in Christ wholly apart from my cooperation or contribution, I could not, even if I wanted to, contribute to Christ dying on the Cross. That is the means of salvation, and that Work was accomplished by God Alone.
God bless.