Unless you take a non-Cal stance and base things on the omniscience of God rather than God simply choosing some to eternal life and the rest to eternal damnation (as the confessions say) before the foundation of the world, then God is a cruel monster. Man did nothing wrong. He didn't sin. He did no wickedness--none of the things that you accuse him of. Before the world was created the Fall had not yet happened, but man is already condemned. That makes God the monster and the author of sin.Everything God made is good, never stated differently. However, man has corrupted it by their sinful, wicked heart. God made intercourse to be an holy occasion for the husband and wife to be fruitful and to enjoy each other. Mankind has corrupted it by being g@y, sleeping with animals, others outside their marriage, doing it for money, &c.
True, but it is the picture of God that the Calvinists paint--whatever God wants to do he can do: Create and destroy at random--Just like Jesus supposedly did. This is the exact picture given before the foundation of the world where Calvinists say: God elected some and reprobated others. (Jesus created some and destroyed others). Perhaps the author of the story was the "first Calvinist"That is why they were not included in the canon of scripture.
We didn't love ourselves before the foundation of the world, but God condemned most of the human race before the foundation of the world. On what basis?God is love, I have never said anything to the contrary. However, we are not. We loved ourselves. We who truly love, have been born of God.
Christ paid for all of our sin on the cross. He is the propitiation for our sins, not only for our sins but for the sins of the whole world.Sin unpaid for is dealt with justifiably on the day of Judgment. God is just to leave everyone of us in our sins, yet, He sent a Lamb to hang, bleed, and die for a multitude of sinners who justly deserved hell.
On the basis of refusing or rejecting Christ will a person be condemned to Hell.
Yet your stand is that that decision is made for most people, if not all people, before the foundation of the world. That negates evangelism, the Great Commission, praying of the salvation for others, etc.
This is what it was like in William Carey's day.
John Collett Ryland is said to have challenge to missions: "Young man, sit down; when God pleases to convert the heathen, he will do it without your aid and mine." (Wikipedia)
--And that is the logical end of Calvinism. It certainly was in Carey's day.
God loved the elect enough to save them.In my opinion? I never stated such a perverted idea. God is immutable. He changes not. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. God never wooed and pleaded with Adam. He called and they came out of hiding. That is effectual calling at its finest.
God hated the non-elect enough to damn them.
Therefore is he love or hate? He cannot be a schizophrenic. He is one or the other. What made God change?
Satan rebelled against God. God justly dealt with it. What is the problem there. You think God is the author of evil and pre-determined it all to happen? I don't.God never wooed and pleaded with Satan and his minions to come back into fellowship with Him. He justly(fairly) condemned them to the lake of fire without any offer of reconciliation. God does with His creation, both angels and man, as He deems fit.
This is a side-issue. God is a God of gentleness, longsuffering, kindness, etc. There are scores of attributes of God. Every time I am going to mention a Biblical truth are you going to throw a monkey wrench into the mix because one of God's attributes was not included. I think you can do better than that. It is a simple deflection from the truth of what has been said.You do not receive grace without mercy and vice versa. God would have been just(right and fair) to consign us to hell and not send Jesus to begin with. That is justice. In grace and mercy, He sent His Son to die for us.
Paul simply said: "For by grace are ye saved through faith..."
Was he also wrong because he didn't mention mercy?