You are a skeptic. Did you know unbelief is sin?
A mischaracterization; a falsehood due to a lack of knowledge of futurism.
Jews will not be "Billy Grahams." Another uninformed mischaracterization.
2. There is no description of these 144,000 evangelizing the world. Another uninformed mischaracterization. Find out what the futurist believes.
What will be accomplished in 3 1/2 years. You don't know what you are talking about.
Read a book on hermeneutics. It would do you a world of good. Proper hermeneutics (principles by which we understand the Bible) demands that we interpret the Bible literally unless context states otherwise. Allegorical interpretation is to be avoided. This isn't a rule of futurists. This is what is found in most hermeneutical texts no matter what their eschatological outlook may be.
You have a dirty mind. [FONT="]
Like Lot, It has been vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked:[/FONT] (2Pet.2:7).
Who said they were 12 years old.
Your mind--dirty and depraved.
Read the chapter. 12 tribes of 12,000 each makes 144,000.
You demonstrate a lack of faith and unbelief.
So, God is too weak to keep His Word? This is your conclusion?
Perhaps He is too weak to keep your salvation as well??
What else would you like to question?
Do you not even read the Bible anymore? Where does it say they become evangelists? Chapter and verse please!
It took the Apostles some 3 ½ years to prepare for their missionary work.
You are uninformed and falsely misrepresent the position of the futurists.
Being ignorant is one thing. Lying out of ignorance is another.
More uninformed ignorance from a fool that doesn't know his Bible.
If you are going to represent someone's position then learn it first.
Your silly imagination, but not what the Bible teaches. You need to study the Bible, not your imagination.