I am doing my best to understand your ‘unique’ Futurist doctrinal views.
In your view:
The Church is raptured before the 7-year tribulation period.
The 7-year tribulation period is signified as Daniel’s 70th week.
The Rapture occurs at Rev. 4:1.
The Holy Spirit, still present, is no longer the Restrainer. He denies Himself that power.
The Antichrist, the Man of Sin, comes to world power soon after the Rapture of the Church, the world unaware he is the Antichrist. This occurs at Rev. 6:1.
His 7-year reign ends at Rev. 19:20.
The Antichrist makes a peace covenant with Israel, permitting them to build a third Temple and re-institute animal blood sacrifices. (Dan. 9:27)
When the Temple is completed no one knows. It could even be before the Tribulation starts, but as you suggest definitely before the midpoint of the Tribulation when the Antichrist will desecrate it.
Daniel could not foresee what Jewish worship would look like in our day.
MacArthur believes full Levitical worship with temple sacrifices will be re-instituted.
Others don't. With all the environmentalists, organizations like PETA, I fail to see how they would allow Israel or anyone to slaughter animals anywhere, much less in a holy place.
Today they won't even allow the culling of the seal population off the northern coast of Canada. "Save the seal but starve the natives." It is the aboriginal's traditional livelihood. But PETA declares that the worth of seal or animal is the same as the worth of a man. I don't see that philosophy changing much to allow a full sacrificial system.
Perhaps they will have "meal" or food sacrifices.
Judaism will be practiced. They will worship, and their worship will be holy worship. That is what the thought is. Then that worship will cease. The temple will be desecrated. Perhaps he will slaughter something as unclean as a pig and spray its blood everywhere.
Perhaps it will be worse. Human sacrifice. Who knows.
The Palestinian Arabs, as well as the entire Arab world, seemingly have no problem with a Jewish Temple desecrating the holy ground upon which their Dome of the Rock sits. The Holy Spirit is not restraining their earnest desire for bloody vengeance. The blessed power to restrain their need for retaliation is found within the Arabs themselves.
Although not Arabs they are Muslims. And these few Muslims in Pakistan had no problem going into a school full of children and massacring 141 children this last Tuesday. ISIS is just as cruel if not worse.
Out of this chaotic mess of evil one will arise, the Antichrist and will bring a false sense of peace. He is the one in Rev.6 on the white horse. It will allow the Jews to have their temple and their worship. After all, it is their land.
The majority of today’s secular Israelites seemingly have no problem with the ongoing slaughter of countless innocent animals which they view as a a grotesque barbarian ritual performed in the name of God.
Where is that happening and for what purpose? Do you have documentation?
The restraint they show by not crying out vigorously in protest at the inhumane treatment of God's creatures is not due to Holy Spirit influence. For He is no longer the power restraining. Rather the blessed power of restraint comes from within the animal lovers themselves.
I have no idea what you are talking about. The Jews live all over the world, not just in Israel. Do you see them sacrificing animals where you live?
In the midst of his 7-year reign the Antichrist enters the Jewish Temple, declares he is God and puts an end to the animal sacrifices. (Dan. 9:27)
If indeed there are animal sacrifices. I have addressed this already. He puts an end to their worship. They become the persecuted. Thus the warnings in Mat.24 are to them: "He that endureth to the end shall be saved." IOW, Christ will come and physically save them, and they also will accept his spiritual salvation. Both will happen.
The Jews are irate and refuse him worship. The restraint not to worship him is a blessed power found within themselves.
We all have restraint. Obviously. That is not what the verse is speaking about.
The rest of the gentile world worships him because his astounding miracles prove his deity. They willingly wear his visible mark upon their foreheads as a badge of honor.
The world worships him because they have been deceived. They believe a lie--that he is god. Read 2Thes.2.
Those who refuse his mark are hunted and killed.
My questions are these:
(1) In your view, at what point in the above scenarios are the judgments of God poured out?
The Bible is not clear about all of them. Most of them will be in the second half, but some may be in the first half of the Tribulation.
(2) In the above quotation you call the 7-year tribulation period ‘the period of God’s grace.’ Is God’s wrath God’s grace in action? Are they not contradictory terms?
No, the Tribulation is not a period of God's grace. It is God's wrath.
(3) How do you explain the multitudes of believers killed during the tribulation period (identified in Rev. 7:9 ff.) if there are no evangelists upon the earth to preach to them? I have previously cited a post of yours which rightly claims the necessity of preaching Jesus to the unsaved. Are you not contradicting yourself?
Those who believe that the 144,000 are evangelists will naturally think that there is a great in-gathering of souls during this seven year period.
I don't see that. From the statement in 2Thes.2 I don't see anyone but Israel being saved. Adam Clarke, on this passage, states:
"Came out of great tribulation - Persecutions of every kind."
--The phrase means "great affliction." He saw a multitude who came out of every kind of affliction or persecution throughout the centuries. It was a heavenly scene, not necessarily having directly to do with The Great Tribulation.
(4) Do you believe that 144,000 is the literal number of male Jews saved?
Probably not. They no doubt are just a part of the remnant.
(5) Why is it necessary they be literal virgins?
Though they won't be "evangelists" per se, they may be testimonies of God's grace by a moral life in a wicked world. They are the firstfruits of the redeemed. It doesn't say when they get redeemed. But from that point on the word will no doubt refer to purity in Christ. It no doubt has both meanings. This time of wrath and fleeing from persecution is certainly not the time to be looking for marriage.
(6) If there are no evangelists upon the earth during this 7-year period, who then are the two witnesses of Rev. 11? Are they not preaching against the Antichrist which causes their demise?
One of them is Elijah who is prophesied in Malachi to come. Many think the other one will be Moses, but we don't know for sure.
Revelation 11:3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.[/FONT]
--They are witnesses. They have power to do miracles. The world hates them. They will "prophecy" for three and a half years, and then they will be killed. The world will rejoice. Their bodies they will leave in the street. They won't even bury them. They will lie there for three and a half days. Then God will miraculously raise them from the dead. They are hated by the world. So is their message.
I thank you in advance for your thoughtful replies!
You are welcome.