The faith of a car salesman or a politician can do the same. So what.
Then why don't they?
No, Jesus said He could not do anything of Himself, but that God did the miracles. Jesus was a man in right relationship to the Father. Our example.
You deny the deity of Christ then? Jesus was just a man in a right relationship to the Father; just an example to us.
Rather, the Bible says: "He came to do the will of the Father."
It does not say that he didn't do these miracle of his own power, rather he did. He was God. He said: "I and my Father are one," a claim to deity. Concerning his own resurrection he said: I lay my life down; I raise it up again, no man taketh it from me."
Christ himself performed the miracles proving that he was God.
Again, if the miracles are for today, and they are for you, why not feed 5,000 with a few fish and a couple loaves of bread. Advertise, I am sure people will come and see you do it. Why not calm the seas. There are plenty of hurricanes. Those people that stand in the way of them will be happy if you can save them from coming destruction and loss of life. I know of many paraplegics that would love to have the use of their legs once again. Come and heal them that they may walk again. If you believe in what you say, then demonstrate, don't just spout it off on the board.
Believers will do these miracles. Notice the "Verily, verily". Scripture never says this will stop. You have no verses, only "wise" opinions to shore up your unbelief that Jesus can and does work through people today.
Where is the promise: "Believers will do these miracles"?
Where is the evidence that believers have done these miracles?
Can you point to it in history? Give the evidence.
John 14
12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
You have a great misunderstanding of this verse. Where does it say miracles. It doesn't. It says works, not miracles.
Here is an example of one of the greatest works that Jesus did. You can read it in John chapter 4, but I will summarize it for you.
Jesus met a woman at the well, a Samaritan woman, and proceeded to talk with her. He promised her that if she would believe on him that she would have eternal life. She believed. She went in the town and told the townspeople of Christ. They came and saw Christ. Most of the town came out and saw Christ. Their testimony was, "Now we believe just because of your words but because we have heard him ourselves."
What was the great work that Christ did. It was the work of salvation. Many believed on him. They weren't physical miracles. They were spiritual--that many believed on him. This is what Christ is speaking of here when he says "works."
Christ had a ministry of only 3 years. If a young person gets saved under the age of 20 and lives past the age of 60 he has 40 or more years to serve the Lord. In that time he can do "greater" works than Christ, in that he has the potential to reach more people in his life time. For he will have lived that much longer. The works speak of salvation and service, not supernatural miracles.
Believers will do these miracles.
Mark 16
15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
17 And these signs shall follow them that believe;.....
What gives you the idea that these specific things are promised to believers of this age?
Of course you will say that these instructions are for the disciples only, and until the canon was finished. Yet verses 15 &16 you will hold is still true for everyone today:
"And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned."
Why would you stop there? Because it takes faith to do the works. You have taken the easy road friend, and your time on earth has dwindled.[/quote]
Is it not possible that in the context, then Christ turned his attention and spoke those words specifically to his disciples? I think that is more likely the case.
What a wonderful thing it is to have God heal someone of an ailment, then preach them the gospel. This is called love and compassion for the lost. It gives the speaker integrity from on high. It separates a true preacher of the gospel from a membership driver, a hireling.
Then please demonstrate this power. However realize this. No one ever got saved as a result of a miracle. Do you remember the story of the rich man and Lazarus. Abraham said concerning the brothers of the rich man that they would not get saved though one return from the grave. A miracle would not penetrate their hardened hearts.
Jesus did more miracles in Capernaum then any other city, but the people were so hardened they would not believe. It would be more tolerable in the day of judgment for Sodom and Gomorrah, than it would be for that city.
The gospel is preached with power. You interpret power as enticing words. Guilting people into saying a prayer that is not in the bible.
Read 1Cor.1,2. Paul preached with the power of the Holy Spirit, without miracles. BTW, I don't appreciate your personal attacks since you have never heard me preach. Paul had great power without miracles. He founded the church at Corinth. Many got saved. It was not miracles that got people saved; it was the preaching of the Word, the gospel.
"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ
for it is the power of God unto salvation."
--Notice Paul did not say that miracles were the power of God unto salvation.
Power is the same power that raised Christ from the dead, to do miracles, for His glory, to convince sinners the kingdom is at hand.
Then, if that is true, you demonstrate it for us.
But it is not true. The power is the gospel. It is the power of God unto salvation. The power is in the Word of God itself. It is alive and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing of the soul and spirit and is a discerner between the thoughts and intents of the heart. That is where the power is, not in miracles.
If there is no power, the Holy Spirit is not confirming your words, and you are a clanging bell. Repent before your time is spent, DHK. Amen
There is no power in miracles. There is power in the Word of God; in the gospel. I am not the one that needs to repent.
You speak of miracles but cannot perform one. You are a hypocrite. Who needs to repent?