When were our sins paid for? Was it at the cross or the moment we believed?
Were all sins paid for ,or only our past sins ?
Sin is transgression of the law ,did Jesus take away the law at the cross ?
Did God pour out his wrath due to us ,on Jesus ?
Did we recieve Christ's righteousness when we believed
Which verses support these questions?.
Hopefully, not too much of the following is redundant, as I am responding only to the OP and not anything claimed later.
1) What verse says our sins (specific to our individual selves) were "paid" for? I do not think any verse says or suggests any such thing.
2) Christ paid the ransom required for all humankind to provide the opportunity for redemption for all humankind. (1 Timothy 2:6)
3) When God gives an individual to Christ, they are transferred from the realm of darkness into the kingdom of His Son, where they undergo the washing of regeneration which removes their sin burden, what God held against them. (John 6:37, Colossians 1:13, Titus 3:5)
4) Thus Christ made provision for the removal of our specific sins, past present and future, but an individual only has his or sin burden removed, if God places them into Christ. (Hebrews 7:27)
5) In summary, Christ died once for all , meaning for all the sins, past, present, and future, of all people, whether to be saved or never to be saved, but only those God places into Christ receive the reconciliation provided by Christ's sacrifice.
Sin is any thought or action that differs from the will of God for that individual. Thus if a person, who is not under the Law, and is totally ignorant of the Law, does something that is not the will of God for that individual, that is a sin, just not a sin like Adam's sin, who knew God's will and did otherwise. Romans 5:14
Again, I do not know which verse says God poured our His wrath for our sins, on Christ. Christ did rescue those placed into Him from God's wrath due them for their sins. Think of Christ as a propitiatory shelter, or wrath shield, those not in Christ abide with God's wrath upon them, those in Christ have no wrath upon them. John 3:36, 1 Thessalonians 1:10)
Not when we believed, but when God on the basis of crediting our faith as righteousness, placed us individually into Christ, were we "made righteous" as a new creation. (Romans 5:19)