Matthew 24-25 discuss all three prophetic future events: 70AD, Catching away and the Second Coming in Power.
I take the position that Matthew 24-25 does not speak of the Rapture, but refers explicitly of Christ's Return.
But, that is the point of the thread, so let's discuss it.
Jesus singles out specifically the 70AD destruction of Jerusalem in
Luke 19: 41-46. This clearly indicates the Lord's reason for the immediate destruction of Jerusalem in Vs. 44: "Because they knew not the time of their visitation".
First, it is important to recognize that certain prophecies can be seen to have multiple fulfillments. The coming of Christ is exhibit A, and prophecy surrounding Antichrist is another good example, and relevant to a discussion of how Scripture might be applied to First Century events. I don't have a problem seeing a fulfillment in the first century, as long as we do not see it as The Fulfillment. Daniel's prophecy of the Antichrist is seen by many to apply to Antiochus Epiphanes, so no reason not to see an application to the first century.
But, just as Antiochus Epiphanes was not The Fulfillment, neither was Nero.
As far as Luke 19:41-46, this is likely specific to the destruction soon to take place, because in the Tribulation, at the mid point, Antichrist will stand in the Temple and declare himself to be God. I think we will see this in the Tribulation as well.
He does not in any way use descriptive language for the catching away or triumphant Second Coming here.
Where exactly do you see the Catching Away?
The remainder of the NT focuses on the 2 remaining prophetic events described thoroughly in Revelation.
Couls you be a little more specific in regards to what passages in Revelation you see The Rapture in?
I would suggest to you that Revelation does not mention The Rapture at all, but only speaks of the rapture of the Two Witnesses.
The First Resurrection is not the Rapture, either, because we only see the dead from among believers (who were saved during the Tribulation) raised at this time, also not correlating to Paul's teaching of the Rapture, in which all, both dead and those alive are resurrected physically and caught up.
The 70AD destruction was the only one of the 3 events attributed to that "living generation".
I don't see it as the generation taught at that time is the generation in view.
The generation in view are those who see the signs.
And the first century generation did not see the sign of the Son of Man coming, lol.
Instead of comparing I Thess 5 to
Matthew 24-25, I recommend that folks contrast the two, consider Vs. 9 of I Thess 5:
"For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ"
Many believers were killed by Rome during and after the 70AD conquest so consider this in your interpretations.
This should clear up some confusion I pray.
1 Thessalonians is distinct to the Return, whereas Chapter 4 is distinct to the Rapture. We can correlate chapter 5 to Matthew 24-25.
Keep in mind that the "they" Paul is speaking about are unbelievers. The "Day of Christ" in view is not the Rapture, but the Day of the Lord, when God judges this earth.
God bless.