Scripture tells us that the spiritually dead can do quite a bit. They do evil deeds, they reject the Light, they walk in darkness, they consider the gospel message and determine it is foolishness, etc. I would look up those verses....but it is better to teach a man to fish.
We do not make ourselves "spiritually alive". I'm not sure where you even got that notion. God draws men to Himself. Again, my point was not that salvation is a work of man but that the use of a physical corpse to describe the attributes of being spiritually dead is both foolish and unbiblical. It is derived from distilling Scripture down to a few fragmented doctrines and then building theology upon those fragments. Scripture defines spiritual death for us, and as far as I know God did not ask our advise on a better way to put it. We are dead if we are not in Christ and we are alive in Christ. There is no point where Scripture says that we are made spiritually alive so that we can be saved (spiritual life is synonymous with being "in Christ, or being saved.
It is not that a spiritually dead man cannot hear because corpses cannot hear (hearing is an analogy as we don't have literal spiritual ears with little spirit ear drums that communicate to our tiny spiritual brains). What you are doing is building upon analogy. Just drop the analogy and discuss spiritual death.