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How wrong you are after all these discussions about "~the crux~" of my "~understand(ing) the duration of our Lord's death~" : AGAIN!
I do not say or believe and never argued “~the duration of our Lord's death~” was “~(a) Three days~”,
“~(b) Third day~”,
“~(c) Three days and three nights~”
Jesus died “the ninth hour”—3 p.m. “on the first day they always had to kill the passover”; was buried “That Day (which) was The Preparation” from “when it had become evening” : “the first night” : “solemnly to be observed” but never observed because of Jesus’ death “That Night” in which Joseph had undertaken “to bury the body of Jesus to the Jews’ ethics-Law” the books of Moses on the Passover of Yahweh, to, or, until, “That Day had been The Preparation and the Sabbath was nearing mid-afternoon”; and rose from the dead “Late on the Sabbath as the First Day of the week was beginning to dawn in the mid-afternoon daylight on Sabbath Day inclining towards the First Day of the week”—3 p.m.. Which gives Jesus in dead status exactly 2 x 24 hours = 48 hours over three days within which He was crucified and died on the first day; was buried on the middle, second day; and rose on the third and last of the “three days” of the God-given and therefore eschatological imperative WHOLE AND WHOLENESS of the “three days and three nights” of these “three days”, “on the third day” of which “CHRIST ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES ROSE FROM THE DEAD”.
When torn between garbage and Holy Spirit, I never hesitate to pick wisdom;
Jesus rose the THIRD days, in THREE DAYS, after THREE DAYS and THREE nights