Sir, you again did not answer my questions, yet questioned my knowledge. Call it what you like, even a dog knows when it is kicked...Van, let me be very, very clear. I am not vilifying you. My position is informed by reading the books I listed above. I found that one needs to be careful about conflating the positions of today's Calvinists aka Primitive Baptists. Wayland deals with the split between the Fullerites and Gillites in his book. As best as I can remember, Wayland and Fuller would say potentially Jesus died as an atonement for all, and yes he desires for all to be saved. Remember William Carey went out to India under the impetus of Fuller. I refer you to the videos I linked to in my 1/21/2021 thread .
Particular Baptists are 5 point Calvinists. Thus not actually baptists, but baptists in name only.
Baptist - History
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