Well-Known Member
You do not think that God would actually allow for man to have an equal chance to trust in Him? I find that odd as I have been told that God is just by many calvinistt.
You don't observe that kind of justice in life. Last Saturday I heard a Christian brother who just got out of Afghanistan. In his story are all kinds of things that worked together for him and his immediate family that went WAY beyond hearing the gospel and then being given an equal chance to respond. He thought it was all Providential even though to my knowledge he is not a Calvinist. It's even quite common for folks in those regions to have dreams about Christ - but not everyone has or is entitled to the same experience. Your mistake is that you are coming at this with a presupposition that men are neutral towards God to start with and really could or would look at submitting to God and the proposals of the Gospel the same way they would examine any other proposal or contract. Scripture says that is not true and our experience and human history agrees with this also.