The problem with Trump and Vance is that they have a very tenuous knowledge of history even recent history, and an equally tenuous hold on facts.
This latter may be deliberate; if Trump keeps saying that the U.S. has spent $315 billion supporting Ukraine instead of the true figure, c. $100 billion , he may be able to extort more rare earths out of Zelenskyy, but on history, I think they are both ignorant. There were plenty of people in 1938 saying that all Hitler wanted was security, and if the allies let him have Czechoslovakia, he would be satisfied.
Those who think that Putin will be satisfied with 20% or so of Ukraine should notice that Alexandr Lukashenko, the President of Byelorussia, who has been a poodle of Putin for many years, thought it necessary a few weeks ago to warn his master that Byelorussia would resist if Russia tried to take it over.
It is also worth mentioning that there has been something of a revival in Ukraine since the invasion, and the number and size of Baptist churches have increased dramatically. Where Putin has taken over, Baptist churches are suppressed and the only churches allowed are Russian Orthodox, completely controlled, of course, by Putin.
Extract from
Ukraine Crisis - Slavic Gospel Association
"It may seem foolish to many to ask about evangelism and Gospel outreach in this broken country, but in reality there is so much in which to rejoice, as reports come in of thousands of men, women, and children being brought to Christ. In the midst of physical darkness and the moral depravity of war, the light of the Gospel is shining brightly and Christ is building His Church.
• In association with our partners in mission, over 30,000 Bible sets [adult and children’s Bibles] have been printed and distributed.
• A Christian literature factory in west Ukraine, supported by SGA UK, has, in the last 6 months, printed 100,000 New Testaments for adults, and 100,000 New Testaments for children, 300,000 various pieces of Christian literature, and 50,000 pocket sized Gospel booklets for the Ukrainian military.
• That same factory has also become a food distribution centre. More than 20,000 food boxes have been packed and prepared, and delivered to hungry people all over the country. Food for body and soul!
• It is estimated that around 20,000 more people have started to attend church, an expression of a hunger for the things of God and the Word of God.
On the borders of Ukraine, massive relief efforts continue, and many pastors and churches receiving help and support from SGA are continuing to minister to those forced out and fleeing from danger and death. The drain on these faithful people mentally, emotionally, and physically is immense, but they refuse to abandon their efforts. They refuse to become ‘war weary’, and in the strength and grace of the Lord, they continue to share the Gospel by word and deed to those who have suffered most in this seemingly unending conflict."
Finally, the reason that the vast majority of Ukrainians do not love Russia is the Holodomor. If anyone wants to know what that was, read here:
Teaser here