I am curious as to how you think someone responding to the gospel message is wrong? Van stated that he interpretatively translated Acts 13:48. It appears that you are rejecting the context of the verse. So which one is adhering to a biased position?
Salvation is offered; the word is received
Act 2:40 And with many other words he testified and exhorted them, saying, "Be saved from this perverse generation."
Act 2:41 Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them.
The Lord adds many who believe
Act 2:47 ... And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.
Act 5:14 And believers were increasingly added to the Lord, ...
Believers were added to the Lord
Act 11:21 And the hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number believed and turned to the Lord.
The Lord appoints Paul His minister; Paul obeys
Act 26:16 But rise and stand on your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to make you a minister and a witness both of the things which you have seen and of the things which I will yet reveal to you.
Act 26:17 I will deliver you from the Jewish people, as well as from the Gentiles, to whom I now send you,
Act 26:18 to open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me.'
God sends; the Gentiles hear
Act 28:28 "Therefore let it be known to you that the salvation of God has been sent to the Gentiles, and they will hear it!"