If we look at Ephesians 2:5-10, we see Paul is teaching us of the benefits of being made alive together with Christ, that is placed into Christ spiritually by God, and being raised up, receiving His grace, salvation bought through Christ alone, and in Christ we are created (born anew) for good works. All of it focuses on God's provision, not ours.
Then Ephesians 2:11-22 provides more detail of what Christ alone has accomplished in which we benefit if we are in Christ. In Chapter 3, Paul tells us because of these benefits we have in Christ, we have boldness because of Christ's faithfulness, verse 12.
Then Ephesians 2:11-22 provides more detail of what Christ alone has accomplished in which we benefit if we are in Christ. In Chapter 3, Paul tells us because of these benefits we have in Christ, we have boldness because of Christ's faithfulness, verse 12.