Submission to the will of God, to Christ’s lordship, and to the guiding of the Spirit is an essential, not an optional, part of saving faith"
Agreed in the bolded.
But here is where I see it "going south"...
There is no such thing as a
"faith that saves".
"Saving faith", if meant that one can have a faith that
does the saving, is a misnomer.
Faith that
accompanies God's work of salvation and gift of eternal life, is what I clearly see the Scriptures teaching.
Believers are not saved
by faith.
You will not find that phrase anywhere in the Bible.
They are saved
through it ( Ephesians 2:8, 2 Thessalonians 2:13 ).
It may seem like a small point, but it makes
all the difference between teaching that man's efforts play a
deciding part in God saving someone, and man's efforts being bypassed by a God that does according to His own will and purposes.
God's work in a person is evidenced ( Hebrews 11:1 ) by their faith, it is not determined by their faith.
"Salvation isn't the result of an intellectual exercise. It comes from a life lived in obedience and service to Christ as revealed in the Scripture; it's the fruit of actions, not intentions. There's no room for passive spectators: words without actions are empty and futile...The life we live, not the words we speak, determines our eternal destiny"
To me, this is where the whole thing falls apart:
Do you see where the cart is being put in front of the horse?
It says that God's GIFT ( Romans 6:23 ) of eternal life comes FROM a life lived in obedience and service to Christ.
salvation is
the fruit of actions, not intentions.
It says that the life we live
determines our destiny...
Instead of it being a
reflection or evidence of our destiny as believers.
That is exactly what the Roman Catholic Church and
many other entities teach and preach today.
"Lordship Salvation" teaches that men determine their destiny through their actions, not God's actions irrespective of man's.
This teaching of "sovereign grace" offends quite a few people, Steven.
Especially those who are trying their level best to work their way to Heaven.
It is to these the Lord will say:
" I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." ( Matthew 7:21-23 ).
They think that their efforts are what secure the favor and grace of God.