While we fret and worry about whether or not a woman can preach, about pastoral authority, and whatever else we fret and worry about we are not getting the job done.
Just this school year, I've watched this play out. Small child invites friend to spend Sundays with her so she can go to church. Other small childs accepts invitation and enjoys church.
The little girls are from two different churches. The parents of both are tied up in knots about conflicting doctrines, practices, ordinances, etc.
But quietly and gently, the girls start talking about what they learn in SS. And the little girl that first invited the second one gently leads her friend to faith in Christ.
Now we have the fun of watching that little one just blossom--it is very clear she "got it."
Has the parents, the preachers, the SS teachers, and the churches tied in knots and having fits.
See, she was led to Christ by another female who preached the gospel to her. That little evangelist was not ordained or authorized or whatever.
Or was she? Maybe she holds "ordination" from Someone with a whole lot more authority than any church body.