There is a difference between God's revelation to mankind and God himself.I snipped out all the other parts which were nothing but blundering bunk. The above is left to show how you debate and what arguments you use to make pretense as to actually have brought a rebuttal.
You have not.
This is one of the most inane responses you've come up with to date, and my friend that is a feat in itself! It only goes to show you have nothing as an answer.
The bottom line is that when God speaks it creates, the sources of life come from His Word, including faith and His quickening power, and therefore it is all directly from Him. You say it is not directly from Him. See how asinine that is? This is how you relentlessly curtail the Godhead daily and you don't even bat an eye over it.
I know of a Muslim who memorized the entire NT. He still remains a Muslim. If God is speaking through His Word to him, then why doesn't he know God? God's revelation to man and God Himself are not the same thing as you have been asserting.