Oh, I knew your point and was not dismissing it in the least. I was broadening it, expanding upon it. If their are His sheep who are Muslim at this time, before they meet Him at the last trump, they will be converted. You can take that to the bank, Monsieur.
Are you sure about that? This was Paul's complaint:
Romans 10:14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
--This is the essence of a question you asked previously. Has everyone heard?
Perhaps those that haven't heard, will die and go to hell because you did not go as God's ambassador and tell them of this great message, and then their blood will be upon your hands. Is that a possibility? I don't know. I know that I have met many in my travels who have regretted going to the mission field when long ago they felt God's call to go, but didn't (that is what I am actually referring to). I also realize that it is true for many if not all of us that there are times when the Holy Spirit speaks to our heart and says go speak to that person (on a bus, waiting for a bus, in a mall, restaurant, store, etc.), and we neglect the opportunity, and later feel guilty about it. ("I should have spoken to that person"). Will we be held accountable in some way at the Judgement Seat of Christ? Will their blood be upon our hands?
I don't believe things are so hard and fast as you make them to be. I believe that God has given his people greater accountability to get the gospel out. Their salvation is in our hands. That is an awesome and terrible thought.
When the Lord ascended into heaven he left the 11 with a Great Commission of evangelizing the world. He had no back up plan. What if they had failed? Praise God they didn't.
And for the umpteenth time, I agree with you. The word of God is the source of our faith is something I do not disagree with. Why? God works via the gospel, via His word, whether it is preached to the unregenerate or is witnessed to them. The words are verbally spoken and they then bring with them faith. This is heard by the natural man's ears, and unless God acts upon that unregenerate, it will never go any further. But when the message is spoken and God gives them ears to hear with, a new heart and spirit, eyes to see with, then the word comes in and takes up root in their heart.
That is close. God works through the Gospel from which comes faith. Thus his ears are opened. Then you say it won't go any further unless God acts... I believe it is the Holy Spirit that acts through convicting the person of sin (John 16:8-11), not in God giving the person faith. It seems to be a slight difference but perhaps an important one. I can back this up with Scripture but I don't see the imputation of faith in the Scripture. Either way the person is convicted of his sin and is saved--the Holy Spirit working in and through the Word of God.
The gift is the whole package deal, which includes faith, repentance AND salvation. Every whit of it comes from God. It's not a mixture of God's powers and man's, but all of God's regenerative power.
Salvation/regeneration are simultaneous. But the gospel must be preached first and then it must be assimilated and understood so that one can accept it by faith. Regeneration/salvation are a consequence of that. Believe on the Lord Jesus, and (then) thou shalt be saved.
Oh no. That is not an insult to Him, Monsieur. Please do not start your antics again...please.
No antics this time.
The hypostatic union, mon frère. Jesus was just as much man as God. He even said He did not even know when the hour of His return was. People had desire to be healed of their illnesses, I do not deny this in the least. Yet, that was a fleshly desire. Those who saw Jesus for who He really was/is were the ones saved. These were the ones who were healed mind, body and soul.
True. And at all times He was fully God and perfect humanity. He never, at any time, was not deity.
Jesus did not always use the powers of his deity. On the way to the cross he had the full power of his omnipotence available to him. He told Peter to put up his sword. He then told him, "Do you not know that I could call 12 legions of angels from my heavenly Father." 72,000 angels could have delivered him at that time. But that was not the Father's will. It was His will to go to the cross as a man and be crucified and suffer as a man, not to exercise his divine omnipotence.
In the same way, when he asked about the nine, he chose not to use his divine omniscience. "Where are the nine," he asks as a man, not as God. Why didn't they come back to be spiritually healed? As I said it is the same question you are asking.
Any that were no saved were not His to begin with. There, I answered you rather easily.
You rely to heavily on this answer. It ultimately is a hard determinism which leads to fatalism.
It has never been answered, only asserted.
There is no scripture that "asserts" or teaches that faith is a gift of God given to the unregenerate. This is the Calvinistic position but it cannot be backed up with scripture.
You read free will into everything that has to do with soteriology, Monsieur.
Man was made in the image and likeness of God. He was made differently than the animals created before him. Part of that difference is that he was given the power of reason, to make decisions, to choose between right and wrong, and to do so without being coerced.
Faith from Him and faith innate are polar opposites. You bet your sweet bippy God does differeniate from the two.
Then demonstrate from the scriptures where God gives faith to the unregenerate. It can't be done or at least hasn't up to this point.
All of it, the word, grace, faith, repentance, salvation and finally glorification comes directly from God.
Faith is not given and neither is repentance.
In Acts 17 God commands all men everywhere to repent. He does not give them the ability to repent, he commands them of their own ability to repent. They are the ones that must repent, not God.
Again, grace is not the only thing He bestows unto the unregenerate and expects them to take up the slack.
Not grace, but mercy.
He allows the sun to shine upon the just and the unjust alike. That is mercy.
His grace is shown through Jesus Christ in making salvation available to all.
That is the gift of salvation which must be received. If it is received by faith then and only then can that person be saved.