In reformed circles, you have Supra and Infra(Sub) Lapsarian views. I lean towards Supra....and here’s why.
The most atrocious thing that happened in history was the crucifixion of our Lord. God did not just idly set by and watch it unfold, but was the driving force behind it. From the capture, the mocking, spiting, tearing the beard from His face, the crown of thorns pressed upon His head, being passed back and forth from Herod to Pilate, the beating, and crucifying. That’s what foreknowledge in Acts 2:23 is referring to. Foreknowledge in that verse is prognosis, and in this instance it’s means pre-arrangement. It’s also used in regards to the elect in 1 Peter 1:2.
Then look at Joseph. Sold into slavery. Gains favor with Potiphar. His wife tries to fool around with him and he leaves. He leaves his garment, she lies and tells Potiphar he tried to force himself on her. Gets jailed. Interprets two dreams. Gains freedom ~ 2 years later after interpreting Pharaoh’s dream. Ends up saving his family from the famine. Proclaims that what his brothers did for evil, God intended it for good.
In both of these, God was the driving force.
Now on to Adam. God planted the TOK in the Garden and gave Satan access to it. If this was not part of His plan, then what purpose did it accomplish? The most wicked acts done by fallen ppl all fall with God’s decreed will. If these wicked acts don’t serve a purpose, then these have no purpose at all.
Many ppl tend to lean towards deism in some way. Deism teaches there is a god who created all we see. Starts it spinning then sets back and watches things unfold. Here’s why I say ppl lean towards deism...ppl say God allows things to happen. That’s saying He steps backs and allows it to happen. That’s deism at worst, deistic at best.
God decreed the fall and used others to make sure it happened. Also, remember it was God who sent a evil spirit upon Saul. God stirred up Pul’s and Tilgath-pilneser‘s heart to carry away some of Israel’s ppl.