See, I can safely say that I don't see this in our church at all - and that's the only influence I feel we REALLY have (our own church). I don't see any issues with any of the races that come to our church and I don't see anyone being held back because of skin color (or weight or gender or anything, for that matter).
Maybe your church is in a cocoon. But I see the same racial prejudice and racism throughout churches across the country. This board is just a microcosm of those churches.
And I tell ya, white privilege has conditioned us to not see a lot of things because these things certainly are there.
How do you suggest we "deal" with it? We know history. We know the wrongs done and we make sure that they are not currently happening in our church. So what else do you suggest we do?
What wrongs are you making sure don't happen? How many of our churches believe the same thing and at the same time have got hundreds upon hundreds of the type of racially prejudiced and racist personalities like on this board sitting in their pews?
What I suggest we do is what Scripture says to do when someone believes they have been wronged. But that takes a little bit of humility which seems to be in short supply.
Might explain, with some other things, why we aren't hearing from God and He isn't healing the land.
I believe black Americans are benefitting from "reparations" although I do believe that there is generational harm that needs to be overcome but that is internal, not external.
What reparations?
Why must they admit it to move forward? Yes, the history of the US with regards to slavery was wrong but while it was primarily whites who owned slaves, blacks and Native Americans owned slaves as well. Why don't they admit their wrong too?
Are the Blacks and Native Americans overwhelmingly in charge of the social and economic system that continues to view Blacks as second class citizens?
I believe most of us know of the wrongs and injustices of slavery and condemn it. What else do you suggest be done?
No, it's definitely not condemned. If it were condemned, we wouldn't be sitting idly by and allowing it to be done again.
Why? To purpetuate stereotypes? To continue a "separation" between people? No matter what a person's color is, they are just like me. A person. That's all I see.
What does thinking about the number of Black friends you have have to do with perpetuating a stereotype??? How does that continue a separation? And white people have got to stop with this colorblindness. That's part of the reason white people refuse to believe Blacks when they say certain things are discriminantly taking place.
we want to believe that the country has come so far and that we live in a colorblind society. we don't.
Yet are we still looking to make reparations and beat our breast over what happened in the Old Testament?
We're still using the truths of the OT to help us understand the NT and the applications for life TODAY. Likewise, the truths that were uncovered during slavery and Jim Crow should be a lesson for the church today on what not to do. On what not to turn a blind eye to. On what not to blame on those being systematically killed.
It's not "dwelling". There's a difference between study for a time and obsession.
The study for a time the truths of slavery and Jim Crow. It might be a bit difficult as white privilege has whitewashed so much of the historical truths out of the textbooks.
Because maybe *I* have nothing to apologize for. Why must every generation until Christ returns apologize for the sins of their forefathers?
And that's how most white folks feel. Why must every generation before Christ returns continue to reap the benefits of slavery? Why must Whites continue to be economically ahead of everyone else in the United States because of slavery and Jim Crow?
No one wants to apologize. But no one wants to give up the privileges they receive because of slavery and Jim Crow.
Would that satisfy you? While it is not joint, both the House and Senate issued apologies that were passed.
You can't issue an apology and turn around and do the same things. Makes an "apology" kinda moot.
So you do apologize for the wrongs of slavery? If you are white, you are at fault. If you are black, you are at fault as well. If you are African, you are at fault. If you are English, you are at fault. If you are American, you are at fault. Have we seen an apology from you?
I duly apologize for slavery and racism and racial prejudice and anything else perpetrated and pushed upon a lost and saved world by myself and anyone else purporting to represent Jesus Christ.
Maybe it's because it's the truth.
But it has NOTHING to do with the purpose behind such an apology being issued. So I say again, a little humility is due.
The results of slavery have also given benefits to blacks as well. Affirmative action is just one example.
Again, Blacks aren't in charge of the social and economic system.
Quotas - the fact that a friend got into an Ivy League school when he had lower grades than an Asian student but since he was black, he got in (and he told me that as a fact) - that is a benefit, is it not?
Quotas have nothing to do with Affirmative Action. what you mentioned in your example with your friend isn't AA.
Maybe I need to get him to apologize for his heritage and skin color?
Oh so you DO see skin color when it's convenient?