Originally Posted by Darrell C View Post
Sorry, but white folk all over America deal with it, some positively, some negatively.
The same is true of black folk.
Did you read anywhere that I stated ALL white people?
Oh, so now some white people don't profit from slavery.
Glad to hear you say that, Zaac, it's a point I made in my response to you. Now we're getting somewhere.
I interact with every race you can name and racism is never a factor, unless it is directed at myself. You see, some of us don't view other people in terms of color, but deal with people from a standpoint that is not new to human history. That is...that people are people. There are good and bad in all races.
And I never stated otherwise that there weren't such people. But THAT is not what's evidenced on this board and throughout many Baptist churches. Because like I said, if this board is a microcosm of the Baptist church, and it is, then the SBC should be ashamed that this is called a Baptist Board.
Show me an example of prejudice or racism from someone on this board.
And if you do not consider my responses, or the responses of your fellow members to be dealing with it, well, continue your campaign for Satan.
I'll continue my campaign against those things that God hates. You and yours can continue your racial prejudice and racism. And I will point it out as such.
No, you will simply to stew in hatred and spew satanic vitriol.
You bear false witness in charging me with racism. Prejudice? Absolutely. But it has nothing to do with the color of a man's skin, but the condition of his heart.
Don't fool yourself that Christ has motivated you to this ministry.
Don't fool yourself into thinking that you have the insight to tell me what Christ has motivated me to do.
I can tell you without question that Christ has not led you to a ministry of hatred and a campaign for social injustice. You can equate yourself with men that fought for civil rights, but you deceive yourself.
What rights do you feel need to be fought for now?
What is holding you back from attaining anything that any white person in this country could? But that's where it gets difficult, because there are whites that will not enjoy privileges that other men have. Even black men.
I don't enjoy the privileges Bill Cosby has. I'm a funny fellow as well as he, so why is it that he has more money than me? Why does Colin Powell have more influence in political arenas?
Yeah, you keep telling yourself Christ is ministering through you. Believe it.
I've told you before...discrimination is color blind, Zaac.
you haven't told me anything. I'm well aware of what discrimination is. The folks on this board have gotten quite skilled at displaying it.
Give me an example of someone discriminating against you here.
Unless you feel, because you're black, that no-one should oppose the nonsense you spew, well, that might explain your campaign, wouldn't it.
You think white people are not discriminated against? No different than black people discriminating against black people.
I don't need you to tell me what I think. Like I've said before, if I want to say something, I will.
You're right, you clearly let others know what you think, and cannot understand why Christians would reject your doctrine.
There are forums that are better suited for Political Religionists, perhaps you might find you're message better received there.
And are you implying you feel I have tried to silence you? I have responded many times to your posts without response.
Sound like someone who doesn't want to talk with you?
As to me being white, well, as I have said several times to you (this being the first response I have seen you bother to give), that has not actually profited me as well as you might think. I am actually discriminated by white people in my trade. My company is small, so guess what, I don't receive the privileges that larger companies receive. Is that unfair? Not really, I can understand a company that sells more equipment than mine receiving more attention.
Irrelevant as is the rest of your diatribe.
Great. Ignore what is said.
Everything is irrelevant to you except your cause, right?
That includes Christianity. Only when it can conveniently fit your politics does it come up.
As for you being black, if you are, has that held you down? Nope.
Irrelevant to anything that I have said.
Answer the question.
As I have also said before, your campaign is a self-serving campaign fueled by satanic, not Christ-like desires. If you want to better yourself, read your Bible.
And as I have said before, I'll continue to do the work of Christ to His glory and against that which HE hates.
The Work of Christ concerns salvation of souls, not reparation for past oppression.
Show me in Scripture your mandate to try to play upon the consciences of Christians?
I will agree that He hates racism, but my friend...you're the racist here. You are the reason why racism continues for some.
And as long as the ugly head of racial prejudice and racism continues to rear itself on this board, then I will oppose it just as Jesus did, just as MLK Jr did.
You suffer delusions of grandeur and diminish the work of men who actually faced oppression.
But if you want to sit around and whine about what you don't have, rather than be grateful for what you do have, that is your choice.
It seems you are looking to the white man, not God, for provision.
Gosh you act like this is the first time that white folks have tried this whole "you're satanic" thing on anyone who has opposed their racism and racial prejudice.
You have yet to show racism or prejudice on the parts of others, and hide your own.
It is satanic, no question. You live in a fantasy where God has led you to wage war on whites for oppression, racism, and prejudice. Guess what, David Koresh and Jim Jones also lived in that fantasy realm of delusion.
They did it with the Jews.
So did Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medo-Persians, Greeks, and Romans.
And when we compare the events, they pale in comparison to Early American Slavery. That is not to dismiss or justify that slavery, just pointing out that you have better groups to direct this hatred towards.
But perhaps you do. I would not be the least bit surprised, if you were completely honest with yourself, that you do not hold hatred for everyone who is not black.
They did it with Blacks and Whites during slavery and Jim Crow.
They did it in the Salem witch hunts as well. The fact is that people, just as you do, use Religion and Christianity as a justifier fro their agendas.
Again, you stand guilty of that which you rail at others about.