Christ said that "if you did not see then you would not be accountable"
Christ said that there would come a time when those who killed you would think that they were doing God a service. In John 16:2
Paul said in Phil 3 that BEFORE becoming a christian HE himself thought that according to the righteousness that is in the law - he actually thought he was blameless. Phil 3:6
Paul said in 1Tim 1:13 that he was in fact chief of sinners a violent aggressor - but that he "acted ignorantly in unbelief". In acts 26:10 he says that when the saints were being put to death - he voted for their death.
James 4:17 states clearly "to him who KNOWS to do right and does it not to him it is sin".
Paul did not go around as a mass murderer before being a Christian - he knew the law forbade such things. But he was confused enough about the truth - so that he thought persecuting the saints was a good thing - since he did not regard them as saints - but as heretics and blasphemers.
However the Holy Spirit guides people into all truth as we see in John 16 "convicting them of SIN righteousness and judgment".
in Christ,
Bob, you are still confusing me with your comments. It's probably just me but if you just take my example and answer it yes or no then that will clear this up for me. Can you do this for me, call me slow but it is how I understand another's point of views. You want me to clearly understand you don't you? Then please, just answer my questions.
You say one is not held accountable and then you say the Holy Spirit guides people
into all truth.
I asked if the Holy Spirit ever chooses
NOT to convict a person who has read a commandment? No matter if the person is confused or trying to reason their way out of keeping it.
Here are my example questions so I may be absolutely clear what you believe. I do not want to misrepresent you. Honestly, I am not trying to be difficult here.
Are you saying that one is not held accountable for merely knowing what the Law says, but one must also have had the Spirit convict them that "shall" or "shall not" really means "shall" or "shall not"?
Possible answers; 1) Yes 2) No
Are you saying one could read "thou shall not kill" and the Spirit NOT convict them that this is a commandment that God holds them accountable to keep?
Possible answers; 1) Yes 2) No
This will help me understand better your pov as concerning how the Spirit works with God's written Word.
You seem to be saying that a person can read God's commandments, reject them or be confused of what murder really is because the Holy Spirit has NOT convicted them on what they had read.
If this is true, then we will have to take another look at election according to Calvin, maybe he was on to something. I know you and HP don't like Calvin much but it seems here you are saying much what Calvin said, that the Spirit does not convict all but makes choices and determines who may be saved and who may not through selecting (election) who gets conviction and who does not. Conviction being a requirement for any sin to be laid on one's account.
See I always held the pov that the Spirit always convicts when the Word is read and the person hearing it is accountable no matter if they try to reason their way around it. I never heard of this selective convicting before. That is why I believed all who heard the gospel and rejected it were held accountable. According to you this is not so, the Spirit is selective about who He chooses to convict.
Maybe we should do a thread on "Selective convicting of the Holy Spirit" and get some more input on this.