1. God's Word claims in John 16 - that the Holy Spirit ALWAYs convicts ALL of sin.
2. God's Word claims in 1Tim 1 and in John 16 - that the Holy Spirit does not make ALL sin apparent to ALL and I prove that with Paul's own 1Tim 1 "I acted ignorantly in unbelief" as well as the statement in John 16 "
I have many MORE things to say to you but you cannot bear them now.
My POV accepts the John 16 truth that God "convicts ALL" the world of Sin - but it also allows for the truth of the scripture we find in 1Tim 1 where some are "acting out of ignorance and in unbelief".
Steaver - you have already painted yourself in a corner by arguing that Paul's statement about "acting in ignorance out of unbelief" is placing him outside the reach of the Holy Spirit from which there is no recovery.
God's Word says he was shown mercy "because" he acted ignorantly in unbelief RATHER than in bold defiance against God.
Paul a leading student of Scripture. The bible told him "thou shalt not murder" just as it tells us today.
But "he thought" that the "saints were in fact heretics and blasphemers".
The Bible does not even remotely allow for Calvinism's limited atonement because the Bible does not say that God does not convict the wicked nor that He "does not convict some of the wicked" of sin and of their need.
The Bible says in John 16 that ALL are convicted - the Holy Spirit convicts the WORLD of sin and righteousness and judgment.
But as Paul points out in 1Tim 1 He does not convict ALL the World of ALL their sin - because some are "acting in ignorance out of unbelief".
But the fact that they are ALL convicted of sin means they are ALL made aware of their need of salvation.
The fact that they are ALL convicted of "Righteousness and judgment" means that they are ALL convicted that God is the answer to their sin problem.
Thus as Paul points out in Romans1 EVEN the barbarians with no Bible access at all "are without excuse"
In the short version....."I WANT IT BOTH WAYS" :tear:
Sorry, you can't have it both ways. Where your error lies in in your misinterpretation and misapplication of 1 Tim 1. You need to stick with John 16.
Actually you are caught between the fork of 1Tim 1 and John 16 - using both of them in my cause is required to expose the flaw in your argument.
So as much as you struggle with the problem of allowing for both to be true - my POV requires both texts to be true.
And so - we differ.:jesus:
in Christ,