Well-Known Member
All men are responsible to worship God.
All men are responsible to seek the True God.
Yet they do not seek Him because they are bound and love sin.
The command to repent and believe, to seek Him, is preached to all.
Once again, God uses means, preaching, teaching, prayer, to urge sinners to seek Him. Why do you not understand this?
are you guys REALLY "reformed/calvinistic" in your theology, or is this all a smokescreen?
Your theology says that God has to QUICKEN the sinner before they can be saved, and that this QUICKENING is ONLY for the ELECT, who God has called to salvation, before the foundation of the world, and WILL be saved.
So, WHY would God even waste any time with those who are "vessels for destruction"? WHY would God require that these are to SEEK after Him, and CALL on His Name, when they CANNOT, as they are never going to be QUICKENED?
WHY would a non elect person, who is HELL BOUND, want to worship God, Who has made sure that they CANNOT be saved, as He has not QUICKENED them to call on Him???
Your theology is NOT even Biblical!