You made a universal statement, then invoked logic. I have shown you that logic requires you to prove your universal statement that Jesus draws all humans, past, present, and future to himself.
Now, your task is to prove your universal statement. This is logical.
I am going to give you some information knowing you will not receive it but it is true.The drawing of the Jews in John 6 by the Father was four-fold and it was specific to the audience to whom he was speaking, the physical seed of Abraham. This can be proven and I know it because I have read John 5. What does John 5 say relative to the fulfilling of the OT promises that Jesus Christ is the Messiah and promised King and Redeemer of Israel? You may read it for yourself.
1) In John 5:33, Jesus says that John the Baptist bears record of him and his credentials.
2) Verse 35 says the works or the miracles he performed before their eyes bears witness of him.
3) He says in verse 37 that the Father bears witness of him and you will remember that he spoke from heaven at the baptism of Jesus Christ
4) And finally he say in verse 39 the scriptures bears witness of him.
These are all the things that God is using to draw this people to Jesus Christ. The entire chapter of John 6 is a fulfilling of the Manna type. The chapter begins with Jesus feeding the 5000 with the lunch of a single child. Later, the next day, he proclaims himself to some of these same people who had witnessed the miracle to be the bread of life that was sent down from heaven so they might eat and live. The bread was the physical figuring the spiritual. It fulfilled the manna type in Exodus. The bread he provided gave life is it was inside their bodies. Outside their bodies it would not sustain their physical bodies. Jesus said they must eat him, speaking metaphorically, because if he was not inside them they would not have life. The spiritually astute among the crowd would have understood that he could not indwell them in the physical but when his blood was shed and his body given, they could receive his Spirit into their mortal bodies to give them life, because he is life.
Now, it would have been useless to speak to anyone but a member of the family of Jacob about manna. Nobody else knew anything about that and nobody but Israel knew the ways of God. He always uses the physical to teach the spiritual. So, the manna and the feeding the five thousand with the 5 loaves and two small fishes is an object lesson in the salvation that is providing from God and it is to Israel. They must eat his flesh and drink his blood to have everlasting life. This is the draw that is being demonstrated in John 6.
But what about the gentiles after the cross. There is not a word about manna from the preacher of grace to gentiles, the great apostle Paul. Here is another very important reality that anyone reading this may check out for themselves. Paul does not even use the word "draw" in any of his 13 letters he writes to the gentiles. not once. If this is true, and it is, how is every man drawn if Christ be lifted up. The answer is by the gospel being proclaimed by the gospel preacher because his death is on the behalf of the whole world. Jesus Christ sends his preachers out to all the world to tell them he has reconciled them to God through his death and God will receive any and all who will come in his name and he will give them the Spirit of Christ to indwell their mortal bodies with the hope that he will glorify their bodies and make them like unto his glorious body bye and bye. This is the blessed hope of the Christian.
If this drawing doctrine is so important to the Reformed, they should be able to answer why it is never a doctrine of the New Testament scriptures concerning you.