OldRegular, you really out to keep a dictionary next to your computer when you write this drivel. A universalist is someone that believes everyone will be saved, not just the so called elect. A Catholic, on the other hand, is a member of the universal church founded by Jesus Christ.
So a universalist is a member of the universal church. Or is it the other way around. Actually I read part of a book by John Paul. Seemed he could not make up his mind whether all would be saved or only those of Rome.
At this point I will clue you in on a little secret, well known by Catholics but deliberately misunderstood by Calvinists and other Catholic detractors. Here it is and I am going to put it in bold letters: Catholics teach salvation by grace.
That is bull! Grace is unmerited favor. The RCCult teaches a word based salvation and that is the truth.
No He did not. He founded the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, the only church that that has continued unbroken for 2000 years, bruised here and there but not broken. "Upon this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it."
Jesus Christ did not found the abomination called Roman Catholicism. He did not build his Church on one man, Peter, whom the apostle Paul had to chasten. I repeat from an earlier post:
Your problem is you are deluded into believing that what some call the Church of Rome is the Church that Jesus Christ established. The Church of Rome really does not exist. Instead it is a cult, really a secular state, built upon the false teaching of the papacy and the teaching magisterium. This Roman cult has adopted many of the characteristics of the Levitical priesthood and corrupted them by substituting the continual sacrificial offering of the blood and body of Jesus Christ rather than the Levitical offering of certain animals. Schaff was prophetic when he said [Volume 2, page 73, Schaff's History of the Christian Church]:
With Constantine, therefore, the last of the heathen, the first of the Christian, emperors, a new period begins. The church ascends the throne of the Caesars under the banner of the once despised, now honored and triumphant cross, and gives new vigor and lustre to the hoary empire of Rome.
You start with the false teaching that the pope is the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth. Have you ever read of some of the men that served as pope. These popes would better be described as the Vicar of Satan on earth.
But they do understand the Bible and here is the key. The Bible does not teach that it is the exclusive authority on faith and morals. The teaching of the faith is the responsibility of the Church. Jesus didn't tell his apostles to write a book (Revelation excepted), He told them go out and teach and baptize. Paul told the recipients of his letters to obey not just what he wrote but the traditions he had taught them. 1 Corinthians 11:2; 2 Thessalonians 2:15. Paul also taught that the pillar and support of the truth was the church, not the Bible. 1 Timothy 3:15.
1. A cult that teaches as truth that which is contrary to Scripture cannot be a Church, the Body of Jesus Christ, for which he died.
2. A cult that for hundreds of years murdered those who dissented from the Roman cult cannot be a Church, the Body of Jesus Christ, for which he died.
3. A cult that continually sacrifices Jesus Christ cannot be a Church for which Jesus Christ himself died, once and for all time.
Hebrews 9:23-26
23. It was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with these; but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these.
24. For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us:
25. Nor yet that he should offer himself often, as the high priest entereth into the holy place every year with blood of others;
26. For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.
The Roman cult has Jesus Christ suffering continually, each time a cult member participates in the mass. That is blasphemous and nothing you say can change that truth.
4. A cult that replaces Jesus Christ as head of the Church cannot the Church for which Jesus Christ died.
5. A cult that declares a human is the Mother of God cannot be the Church for which Jesus Christ died.
6. A cult that venerates and worships another human, Mary, cannot be the Church for which Jesus Christ died.
6. A cult that teaches man can only be saved by works cannot be the Church for which Jesus Christ died.
7. A cult that introduces purgatory cannot be the Church for which Jesus Christ died.
Hebrews 9:27. And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
8. A cult that worships at the feet of a man called the pope cannot be the Church for which Jesus Christ died.
9. A cult that has historically called pagans and degenerates the vicar of Jesus Christ cannot be the Church for which Jesus Christ died!
10. And there is so much more!
I am not putting the Bible down, I am just pointing out that tradition is also authoritative.
That is where you are totally wrong!
However, you won't find a single Catholic teaching that is in opposition to the Bible.
I just listed 8 or 9 above.
I realize that is hard for you to grasp, probably impossible because you are an angry person.
That is where you are wrong again. I simply put the RCCult in the same class of cults as the Word of Faith heretics, the Mormons, the Jehovah's Witnesses!
It was hard for me as well and I would never have looked beyond the walls of the Baptist church except there were some things that just didn't seem right and the older I got the less right they seemed. When I did look beyond those walls it was shocking and a little frightening. But the more I studied the more I realized that they (the Catholics) are right we (the Baptists) are less right.
You are associated with a cult and that is the truth. There was a time in history when what you call the Universal or Catholic Church were slaughtering dissidents from Rome just as Islam did and as Radical Islam is doing now.
You would do well to study the Holy Roman Empire the union of Roman Catholicism and the secular state. You would do well to study the history of the Inquisition. Then read the following post!