The entire Earth age discussion to me is awkward. I have no problem with a 6000 year Earth. Where my problem lies is in the way we as YEC handle it. So, God created a mature Universe. Mature seems by best scientific evidence to be about 2 to 5 billion years. God created a universe that was 5 Billion years mature and we get bent out of shape when science ages it to the mature state to which God made it.
That's not so. YECs say that the earth was created all grown up. It had to be so because when Adam was created as a grown-up man, he needed food and so the plants were created with fruit for Adam and Eve, not to mention the animals that needed food. So the chicken came first, not the egg, so to speak. God did this in a series of six 24-hour days.
On the issue of scientific evidence, there is none to support evolution and its corollary of deep time. These ideas are not from the Jews but the Greeks and I have heard that the Greeks got them from the Hindus. If the Hindus are the origin of evolution and its corollary of deep time, then we are clearly dealing with another religion. If it is totally the Greeks, then we are dealing with heathen thinking. If Genesis is not true history, then the whole Bible is not true. You pays your money, you takes your choice.