So is it your position that Jesus did not want any laws enforced?
My position is that Jesus did not want her stoned and had compassion on her.
This is yet another overstatement that discredits your position. No one suggested or insists doctors should hunt for illegals.
This law would require them to be chief enforcers of the law to ensure no one is illegal. Doctors should be doctors, not enforcers of this law. Pastors should be Pastors, not arms of the legal system.
Not to be overly repetitive but if someone comes into the hospital with a gun shot should that not get reported?
There is a distinction. If someone has a gun on any property that I own that I didn't want them, I would report them. Why? For my protection as well as others. The immigrant is not threatening them. Yes, if ultimately that property owner wants to report people, so be it. Yet, should I be required to report them? No!
Which completely ignores legitimate concerns about our borders and is clearly an overstatement of the situation. Probably out of emotion. Either way disingenuous.
Do you know what the real and very clear concerns about the border are? It is also about our economy. Do you know what those concerns are? Nationalism has nothing to do with it. But it is a great way to demonize someone.
I addressed the immigration issue earlier. Are there problems on the border? Yes! In fact, I think the government laws have added to the problems, not helped. With immigration, however, there have always been problems. I am not trying to make light of them. However, I also do not want to close our borders to them. Throughout our history, people wanted to limit certain groups like hispanics, the polish, the Irish, the Cubans, or any other immigrant group we found undesirable or causing too many problems. Yet, in the first generation you normally have vast poverty and added crime. The second generation become productive and more helpful. By the third generation, groups see great leadership in their ranks.
I am a second generation person. Yes, my mother's family grew up in poverty in Spanish Harlem. I don't know all the details, but I had relatives involved in the mafia and others in crime. So, yes, I understand the problems you face more than you know, for I have seen the problems first hand within my family.
However, I have cousins who now own companies, who went to a military academy, who obtained much respect in other areas. One of my relatives worked for a highly respected newspaper and did well for them. My generation is much better. We came in poverty and with many problems, but we stayed and are something better.
As well, I would never have become a Christian in my mom's native land. God brought my family here so I can hear the gospel.
Yes, I do have a passion for the gospel that invokes emotions. Rather than kicking people out, I want more to come in so we can better share the grace of God. That maybe emotional, but I will take it.