Long time finishing this.
I find it very strange that there is a desire to "spiritualize" rather than to seek the actuality of the last day fulfillments.
According to NT prophecy - e.g. Olivet, the last days run from Pentecost to Jesus final return in glory for resurrection & judgment, with an intermediate coming for the destruction of the temple & Jerusalem which took place in AD 70. The next great event is Jesus' final coming. That, according to Peter will be immediately followed by the NH&NE.
Jesus & the Apostles make it clear that Jesus has a present spiritual Kingdom, of which believers are citizens, kings & priests. John 3, 1 Cor., Col. 1, et al. They also make it clear that there is spiritual warfare in that spiritual realm.
In what way do you think we are "spiritualising" in a way that rejects a proper interpretation of Scripture?
Why is there some great avoidance and actual psychological hindrance in embracing a literal millennium, a literal return of Christ as the Scriptures clearly teach?
THe "millennium" includes
the souls of martyred believers living & reigning with Christ as priests. That is our present spiritual status as born again believers, as Peter explains in 1 Peter 2, and that status will not be ended by natural death nor martyrdom. John sees the faithful believers in glory, in heaven in the presence of their Saviour, awaiting resurrection.
The "millennium" holds vast numbers of unbelievers waiting for Satan's release so they can march
across the breadth of the earth against
the camp of God's people. Future millennium teaching has Jesus reigning in person on earth over those unbelievers. A present spiritual reign over the spiritual realm during the Gospel age, is the simple teaching of Scripture. And a final coming for resurrection & judgment.
That is not spiritualising, it is an understanding of the carnal realm & the spiritual realm. Jesus is reigning from David's throne in heaven. Acts 2.
agedman said:
Here is my personal opinion.
The early church taught a literal physical time in which Christ would rule this whole world.
What changed?
One the sacking of Rome, and the other the desire to deceive in order to hold control and hold authority.
In both events, the truth of the Scriptures were brought into question. Rather than clinging to that truth, humankind invented other schemes alien to the typical rendering of Scriptures and then deceitfully propagated the scheme(s) to cause confusion and therefore the dependence of reliance that only a select few really knew the truth.
In this day, the lie continues, because it is God's desire that the deceiver be allowed to deceive. That the folks will be confirmed in their own righteousness and not in that of the Son.
Therefore, there is mocking, and shrewd (even cunning) designs to belittle the truth of the Scriptures and bring doubt to the statements of Christ.
Off topic.