Here we go again! Bringing out the bad eggs to prove all of it is bad...Believing what the Word of God says about it is not blind faith! Muslims do not believe the Bible! Well...some christians do not believe it all either..
The only "bad egg" I referred to was the Charismatic movement. I pointed out that you believe, by blind faith, things that have no evidence, no basis in truth. The gifts have ceased. If they have not ceased where is the evidence that they have not ceased? You can't provide it. "The gift of miracles? Gone!
The gift of healing? Gone.
The Biblical gift of speaking in languages, (not private gibberish)? Gone!
--You can't provide the evidence of any of these gifts. It is blind faith in something that doesn't exist. If it exists you could provide the proof.
No, not blind! The Holy Spirit has shed light to the truth! I would rather follow Him instead of someone that does not believe God is not doing it today!
It is blind, and it is not the Holy Spirit that has shed light on your gibberish. Your gibberish is not of God. If it is not of God, then who is it from? Think seriously about that? The people that claim to be faith healers today are all charlatans, every last one of them. Tell me one who is not. Point to one genuine faith healer of this day and age. You can't do it.
I do not have to prove anything to you! God is the only one I am concerned with!
It doesn't work that way. If you are a Christian your works and life must demonstrate that you are a Christian. How can you claim to be a Christian when you live like the devil? I am not making that accusation, but that is where the proof is demanded. The world judges you. So do Christians, and rightly so. If you were to move and apply for membership in another church would they accept you based on your testimony? You can't just say: "I don't have to prove to you (the local church) anything; God is the only one I am concerned with!" Wrong answer!
Jesus could not do miracles in his own I quess that town would say the same about him as well! ..but we both know Jesus/God could do them!
What you say is false.
You said: "Jesus could not do miracles in his own hometown." That is false. Jesus
would not do miracles. He would not do miracles because of their unbelief. Miracles do not save anyone.
Jesus said: An evil and adulterous generation seek after a sign; but no sign shall be given unto them but the sign of Jonas. For as Jonah was 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the whale so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
--Clear evidence that the sign gifts have ceased. Jesus said they would. The only sign that this generation has is the gospel. That is all they need.
You are taking you man-made theology over the Holy Spirit teaching you truth!
I don't have man-made theology. I study the Word, and have been doing it for a much longer time than you have. Again, you walk by blind faith choosing to believe things that you cannot demonstrate are for today. You say things happen that don't happen. I call that lying and hypocrisy.
Well, I see you struggling because you are trying to understand spiritual things with your carnal mind.
You call the Bible carnal? All I did is quote you scripture?
I told you how you misinterpret it, which you do.
You take a verse here and a verse there, and mix them together and come up with some new strange doctrine. Remember this new fangled religion of yours was unknown to all of Christendom up until 1905. That is when it began. Only in paganism was it known before that time.
Speaking in another language was for the church, always! It was always for the edification of the entire church, as every gift was. Like the gift of healing no member took the gift home and healed himself for their own edification. So no one took the gift of languages home and used it for their own edification. The Bible does not teach that concept anywhere.
Again, DHK, I am truly sorry that you are not experiencing any of this in your ministry (I sincerely mean that)! But He was given to the church to manifest until His return!
The devil has his counterfeits. That is what you experience, and believe me, I would not want to touch them with a ten foot pole. On the Day of Pentecost there were more than 13 languages that were spoken in. "How here we every man in our own language." They spoke with other languages. That was the miracle. Now tell me: How many different kinds of gibberish are there?
No, I was deceived! But not anymore! As I have said many time on this board...your unbelief and denial of what is plain in scriptures can not take away what I am experiencing with God!
You are deceived. You believe in something that doesn't exist. You put blind faith in that which has no evidence. Produce those that have the gift of miracles, and the gift of healing. If you believe in it, where is it? There is as much evidence for these gifts as there is for believing in monkeys on Pluto. None!
I did not call tongues gibberish! I called it speaking in a language that the person does not know or understand without the interpretation. God does not say tongues is a waste of time!
All Charismatics speak in gibberish. We call it for what it is. When the sky is blue, you can call it yellow, but that doesn't make it yellow. It is still blue. You can scream at the top of your voice and demand that it is yellow, but it won't change the fact that it is blue. Facts are facts. You do not have the gift of languages. You can't speak any known language. What you speak is "gibberish." We all know that. And, yes, that is a waste of time: God's time and yours.
I just need the Word of God to say it to believe it! You on the other hand have to have proof!
The Word of God doesn't teach it. The Bible condemns such things as gibberish. God is a God of order and not of chaos. What you speak is very chaotic. There is no understanding, absolutely none. Not even God can understand what you say. Such mindless activity is condemned over and over again in the Word of God.