Well, again you have taken scriptures and added your own little twist to it. I could do the same, but I am not going to play that game!
No I haven't.
In the past I have told Baptist posters, as well as Catholics, Charismatic and others not to simply copy and past verses out of the Bible without explanation. My four year old grandson can do that. It does not require a great deal of skill. What one needs to do is to take those Scriptures and explain what they mean, and that is what I have done. Now you want me to do what I have advised others not to do. And if I am correct you are one of those people.
The explanations, exposition of Scripture steps on your toes and thus you are offended and say "I am not gong to play that game."
It is not a game. I am sorry that you play around with the Bible and look simply regard Bible study as a game to play when it deals with a person's eternal destiny. That is a shameful attitude and a flippant attitude to take toward the Word of God.
If Charismatic is believing in the manifestations of the Holy Spirit in 1 Cor. 12...then I am one.. along with others on this board!
If you knew what manifestation meant you wouldn't continue to use it. Everyone of us serve the Lord with the talents God gave us. Why do you imply that we don't. That is just the same as an slanderous false accusation, but only because you have your own existential meaning of the word "manifestation."
So according to your post we are unrighteous, darkness, wolves in sheep clothing, infidel and the devil etc. Is this what you stoop to when you can not answer questions like...WHY DOES IT SAY TO PRAY FOR THE INTERPRETATION IF WE KNOW THE LANGUAGE OR UNDERSTAND WHAT WE PRAY?Would you like me to post all the verses on unbelief?
I have told you many times already.
First, there is no such thing as a private prayer language as every gift was for the edification of the entire body.
Second, if there was no interpreter, the one praying had to be the interpreter himself (for the public). It doesn't say pray for tongues, but pray for interpretation.
Third, tongues was only given when there was at least two language groups present. Otherwise what would be the purpose of tongues? Just to show off?
Fourth, The reason for interpretation would be for the second language group, who wouldn't know what was being said to the first language group (perhaps visitors from another nation).
If everyone in the Corinth church spoke Greek there was no need for anyone of them to speak in another language and it was out of order. That is why Paul said it was without understanding, and he told them to keep quiet.