Well-Known Member
Being just (a legal judge) does not require or obligate the judge to pardon all lawbreakers. God is under no obligation to pardon even one sinner. He does not have to make a way for anyone to be saved.
Your assertion shows us how you place yourself above God and demand he do what you think he should do.
If God chose to pardon just one sinner, that would be incredible, amazing grace. The fact that God chooses to save millions of people is astounding and mind boggling, amazing grace.
Grace: God giving to us what we do not deserve.
Silverhair, your post shows us that you do not want grace at all. You just want God to open the gate of the prison and then let you run out on your own to your own image of what freedom means to you.
This thread has done an excellent job of revealing your man-centered philosophy, which you demand that God take his subjective spot below you.
Silverhair, you do not know grace.
Did not say that God was obligated but I did say He is just. But you do not deal with His justice. As is usual you make a number of strawman comments that you feel you can defeat.
Does God desire that all be saved, YES. Has He provided the way for man to be saved, YES. Has He placed a condition on how one may access that salvation, YES.
But under your calvinist theology the offer of salvation is moot. According to calvinism He has picked out a select group to be saved and the rest have no chance to be saved. It is not their sin that prevents them it is the calvinist god that does that.
Calvinism has made the gospel of no value. Christ Jesus did not have to go to the cross for the calvinist as they were already picked out and according to calvinist whatever He has decreed will surely happen. Remember that according to calcinism God has decreed unchangeably, all things, whatsoever comes to pass.
Only those that are included in the Unconditional Election will partake of the Limited Atonement and will be drawn to God by His Irresistible Grace. So all men do not have an equal chance to know or trust in God. The calvinist theology precludes this, but they just do not want to acknowledge that fact.
So because of calvinist theology
The absolutely elect must have been saved without Christ Jesus;
and the non-elect cannot be saved by him.
The bible is very clear that God makes a bona fide offer of salvation to all people everywhere (Joh_3:16-18; Joh_3:36; Joh_5:24; Joh_12:32; Rom_10:9, Rom_10:13). Anyone can be saved by repenting of his sins and believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, if a person is lost, it is because he chooses to be lost, not because God desires it.