I looked up "venerate" on Dictionary.com because it's a common Catholic term but not one that is used a lot in regular life. Here's what it says:
to regard or treat with reverence; revere.
1615–25; < L venerātus, ptp. of venerārī to solicit the goodwill of (a god), worship, revere, v. deriv. of vener-, s. of venus, presumably in its original sense “desire”; see Venus )
Some of the synonyms are idolize, worship, adore.
Venerate, transitive verb. "To regard with respect, reverence or heartfelt deference." American Heritage Dictionary.
I do not reverence, idolize, worship or adore Mary. She was a human woman - a sinner just like me. Yes, I think it's wonderful that she was so blessed as to carry the human body of the Savior, but that doesn't mean she's worthy of worship or adoration. I reserve that for God alone.
No one in this thread, least of all me, has suggested that Mary is worthy of worship or adoration, which is the same thing. I too reserve worship and adoration for God alone. Incidentally, for another thread it would be interesting to see just how you came to regard the Mother of God as a sinner.
Show me the Scripture where we are to "venerate" anyone other than God.
Venerate is not a word that is used in scripture, but we see several examples of people paying high honor to Peter and Paul without any objection on their part. Acts 5:15; 19:12.
Yes it does. Prayer is given to God only. Mary cannot hear our prayers. She's not omniscient so we'd have to say our prayers out loud - but why go to her when we have ONE mediator between God and man - Jesus Christ? We don't need to go to anyone else who's dead and cannot do anything for us (can you show me where the dead do anything for those on earth?). We go to God alone.
So you're saying that although Mary is not omniscient she has really good hearing. As for the dead doing anything for those on earth, I would point you to Hebrews 12:1. According to Billy Graham they are cheering us on. I tend to agree.
This is asking how do we know that only God is omnipresent. Can you show me where in Scripture someone else was in more than one place? Where anyone knew what was going on elsewhere without direct revelation from God?
Can you show me in scripture where the earth is round, rotates around its polar axis and revolves around the sun? Significantly, scripture doesn't say that these powers are reserved only for God and when I get to Heaven I fully expect to have them. I'm sorry you have such a pedestrian view of life in Heaven.