So long as Scripture is interpreted in truth, it’s original meaning, yes it yields wonderful things. You start subjecting it to your fallible human opinions “ what the words mean to me “, and it will kill you very likely.
At first the private interpreters of scripture turned against the ancient Apostolic understanding of scripture, then they turned on each other, tearing themselves apart. They nullified the Word, by making it merely a matter of each man’s opinion.
Do not subjugate the Word of God to your human opinion.
The temptation of the devil is, “ Just read and interpret the scripture yourself, you don’t need anyone else to tell you what it means, you are smart, possibly the smartest person alive “
Get behind me Satan, I am not playing your game.
At first he appeals to your self sufficiency, “ you don’t need “ is the opening line, and self sufficiency has another name, Pride.
Then he flatters you as smart enough. He desperately wants to kill you by the misadventure of private interpretation, he watches his snares feverishly and hatefully.
He laughs at peoples destruction ‘ poor creature, it must have been something he interpreted ‘.
People don’t see his snare, it’s practically invisible and it is very deadly.
You warn dudes as best you can, but people walk straight into it, not seeing it. The angelic intelligence is not something the sheep and lambs of the Lord should mess with, though fallen, Satan has a higher intelligence than us, and it is totally geared for our destruction.
Don’t play his game, don’t privately interpret scripture and don’t follow the private interpretations of others, in that tangled mess.
The first use of the term "Catholic Church" (literally meaning "universal church") was by the pseudo-"Saint" Ignatius of Antioch in his Letter to the Smyrnaeans (circa 110 AD). Ignatius of Antioch is also attributed the earliest recorded use of the term "Christianity" (Greek: Χριστιανισμός) (in Catalan) 100 A.D. He died in Rome, with his relics located in the Basilica of San Clemente al Laterano.
The FIRST man Beast is One from the Gentile nations, specifically from the Roman Empire.
We the Christian people or the TRUER believers in Christ JESUS know that this religious Gentile Beast did rise up out from the waters(sea) i.e. from the midst of the Gentile nations of the ancient Universal Roman Empire, the FOURTH KINGDOM (Daniel 2:v.40-43) that was DISSOLVED in Christ Era(AD) EXCEPT, yes, EXCEPT ITS RELIGIOUS SYSTEM, the satanic Papacy and his Roman Catholic Church, the Great Whore, which wedded with 266 Popes until the current time, whose WOMAN rides upon this FIRST Beast, upon the Popes which have been elected with a NAME OF BLASPHEMY upon the 7 heads, that is Vicar, Son of God, or Vicarius Filii Dei, understand?
Another historical great blaspheme of this roman and satanic Church is to say that our beloved Apostle Peter was the first Pope, this is a satanic lie and blaspheme.
Scriptures say that the FIRST Beast has 7 heads, and 10 horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his (7) heads the name of blasphemy, these were the things the Word of God did say through the former sealed book of Apocalypse that was with God the Father, whose seven seals were broken by JESUS to shew unto his servants things which should shortly come to pass. Rev.1:v.1
In fact this religious and devilish spiritual MONSTER has 7 heads, but to know on this only literally, it is not enough, what matters is identifying what these 7 heads are. Not me, but the Word of God says that the 7 heads (of this religious and satanic MONSTER) are 7 mountains and 7 kings.
Therefore, now what matters is identifying what are these 7 mountains, on which the woman sits - that is the Whore which rides upon the Beast of sea , and also who these 7 kings are. By the way, one of the 7 heads (7 mountains) will be mortally wounded, you know? Strange, no? Can or may a mountain be wounded? No, of course not. But now, what matters is identifying what these 7 mountains are. Furthermore, the 7 heads of the FIRST Beast make part of the Red Dragon's body (Revelation 12:3.Take a look)
The Word of God says: "Here is the mind which hath wisdom. (our God will never agree with speculations, presumptions or conjectures) The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sitteth. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. (In fact 42 months, no more, no more) These 7 kings make part of the body of the woman, they are included within the body of the the Great Whore. Again: what matters is identifying who these 7 kings are. Who are them? They are included within the body of the the Great Whore, the Roman Catholic Church.
What matters is identifying what the 7 heads of the FIRST Beast are and where the Great Whore - the RCC - sits.
The Antichrist was born and rose up from the own Church-See how | Pure Bible Forum (and see )