Lukasaurus said:
All souls can be saved without exception. God is not a respecter of persons. Nor is he a liar. "Whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely"
I will not defend any of the contents of what any other person who may have posted anything in this thread. They are all capable of defending themselves. I will only remark about what I (and no one else) have posted on this thread.
Not once did I ever refer to any creed, confession, or whatever else you choose to call it in any of my posts on this thread.
If you can find just one instance where I have sought refuge or cited as any kind of authority to back up anything that I posted anywhere on this thread outside of the Word of God to demonstrate the basic point(s) that I have attempted to show any who've read my posts on this thread, then I would be quite appreciative to have these specific instances pointed out to me.
I have supplied numerous scriptures from the KJV (not that I'm a "KJV-Onlyist" because I'm not and have submitted several postings on other threads that will clearly state that) that as I understand these passages in context and using the applicable and generally accepted principles of hermeneutics to demonstrate why I believe what I do regarding the doctrines of grace as they apply to this aspect of soteriology.
If any other brother or sister in Christ chooses to believe differently than I do, then that is your right to do so as a full-fledged member of God's family who is exercising his perogatives in the priesthood of all believers.
Not once did I ever allude to the notion that God somehow enjoys it when He sees any of His created beings enter into the eternal realm of being separated from Him in that place most of us would call Hell.
But, on the other hand, neither have I found a totally scriptural basis for those who would contend that a spiritually dead person as God's Word states in Ephesians 2 that all of us are apart from God taking the initiative to, as the KJV would call it, "quicken" us such that we would have any desire to repent of our sinful ways and receive Jesus Christ by faith as one's personal Savior.
What about the ones who do not "thirst"? Does God somehow drag them to the Fountain of Life and demand of this unthirsty person partake of its contents?
What about the "whosoever won'ts"? Are they in their spiritually dead state going to come to Christ?
What of those who aren't hungry for the Bread of Life? Does God force feed them anyway?
You're probably saying, "Don't be ridiculous. Of course He doesn't!"
So, then is God some how not "fair"?
EX: You are the governor of a state here in the USA. As such, you have within your state constitutional powers the right to pardon anyone serving time in your state's penal system because he/she was declared guilty of violating some state law.
For reasons maybe best known only to you and God you choose to declare a few of these prisoners pardoned. You have the right and the authority to do so and thus you do so.
Did you act in an unconstitional manner when you chose to exercise your constitutional authority and power as chief executive of that state when you pardoned those prisoners?
Of course you didn't. You did what you did because you chose to do what you did.
But what about the remaining prisoners that you chose not to pardon?
All of the prisioners were guilty of whatever crime(s) they committed. All would be imprisioned for committing these crimes for whatever the length of their sentences may be.
The ones you pardoned weren't--in and of themselves--any better prisioners than those you chose not to pardon.
Did you as governor of that state act in any unlawful manner when you chose only to pardon those that you did instead of pardoning all of the other remaining prisoners?
I think not.
So, why then do you persist at (at least figuratively speaking) pointing your finger in God's face and tell the thrice holy Creator of the Entire Universe that He's a "bad boy" for not continuing to allow the rest of the human race to go on enjoying what they enjoy doing in the first place?
Look at it this way:
There's this gate to a city that's closed, but has inscribed over it these words in giant letters:
A certain individual decides to open this massive gate and thereby attain access to the city.
He looks back at this huge gate and reads the following words in giant letters over the reverse side of that very same gate:
Same gate, two different sides to the same gate, and two different passages from the very same Word of God.