Rippon said:Okay,so you don't believe in the whole counsel of the Word of God.
God is love;but love is not God.That is not His sole attribute.Do you think that His justice,wrath,and holiness should also be swept under the rug?
If you truly considered the whole counsel of God’s Word you would see that from the beginning He created the whole world in His love and offered all men the water of life freely from beginning to end. From the beginning He said His creation was “very good” and He doesn’t lie. He didn’t create evil or predestine men to be evil because there is no evil in Him.
I have personally met folks that have denied that the Bible teaches the doctrine of predestination.They did not care that I could show them evidence in the Bible for it -- their minds were made up.
I not only deny the Calvinist’ doctrines of predestination but consider them hypercalvinistic dogma that does the work of Satan upon seekers. I have dealt with every scripture presented or taught by determinists and could care less what they “think” it evidences.
You deny the verses in the Scriptures which clearly state that God hates some people.How far do you wish to go in denying biblical doctrines?Where will it stop?
I don’t deny any verses of scripture about hate, I understand them, being rooted and grounded in God’s love. It is the determinists that won’t stop trying to prove their fallacies.
I certainly do not advocate having a series of sermons on the Hatred of God but when it comes up in the text -- what would you do if you were a preacher?Would you evade those verses?Would you like to excise them?
Hypercalvinist not only thrive on doctrines of God’s hate but they declare Him being as evil and a liar to boot, which they must resort to while attempting to force fit their deterministic interpretations.
I understand an Omnibenevolent God is an enemy to evil, He hates it, and has wrath against it, so I know how to interpret such verses. God loves the world He created and He gave His Son for any man who would freely choose to love Him back. As for preaching, I was asked to fill in some time this coming Sunday and I chose to preach on the Great Commission. In two weeks I will be presenting the Gospel at a secular college and I will be telling them how much God loves them, but hates sin.
Really Rippon, when you put your children in bed at night do you tell them that God might hate them? That God might have predestined them to go to hell? The Devil must love this sick doctrine that is allowed to be espoused on this board!