First, the only saving faith is the faith God credits as righteousness. The so-called "gift of faith" is just another myth, debunked time and again. Ephesians 2:8-10 teaches salvation is the gift of God, not faith. Scripture explicitly says God credited Abraham's faith as righteousness, not the fiction that God gave Abraham the gift of faith.
Next the advocate ignores Matthew 13 and Jesus teaching in parables, ignores God needing to harden the hearts in Romans 11 and ignores the men entering heaven in Matthew 23:13.
Study Romans 4:4-5; and 4:23-24. Salvation does not come from us believing all the right things, but from God knowing we believe in Him. Everyone believing into Him shall not perish but have eternal life, John 3:16.
Next the advocate ignores Matthew 13 and Jesus teaching in parables, ignores God needing to harden the hearts in Romans 11 and ignores the men entering heaven in Matthew 23:13.
Study Romans 4:4-5; and 4:23-24. Salvation does not come from us believing all the right things, but from God knowing we believe in Him. Everyone believing into Him shall not perish but have eternal life, John 3:16.