Which one?
Any of them. Do you or your husband ever refer to Proverbs in your teaching?
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Which one?
Any of them. Do you or your husband ever refer to Proverbs in your teaching?
Yes, I noticed that. And as christians we are in God's tabernacle performing NT instructions 24/7. We are a royal priesthood (1Pt2:9), to be set apart as holy unto God continually.
Why do you think God told His priest not to drink alcohol? Remember, you are one of God's priest in Christ (Rev 1:6)
Wine was used for many purposes throughout the bible. What is clear is that God does not want kings and priest partaking of it. These clear instructions gives credence to the argument that the wine Jesus consumed was likely of the variety that could not cause intoxication, for as you know, there are many stages a wine may go through.
I did not do as you said I did. I said that with YOUR explanation the poor priests of the Lord should get drunk.
If a person cannot control their drinking, then they should not drink at all. Proverbs 31 says “lest they drink and forget what the law decrees, and deprive all the oppressed of their rights.” If you do NOT drink MUCH wine, you will NOT forget decrees, nor will it be your excuse for depriving all the oppressed of their rights.
By the way Steaver, how much control do you have over the others rights? Answer that please.
You are using the Old Testament about entering the tent of the meeting. The Holy Spirit now lives in true believers.
You should not drink any alcohol, Steaver, because you would not be drinking with faith
I'm asking which ones you are referring to.
So do we forever abstain from intimacy too? If we are in God's tabernacle performing 24/7, then we must stay clean.
But then again, what job are we doing that the Old Testament priest did
Paul does give some instruction on staying sexually inactive for some periods of time for the Lord's work (1Cr7:5)
We're not doing the job they did. We are doing the NT job of ministering one to another. We are the new kings and priest for God administering in a new way. Abstaining from wine was not a "job" of the priest nor a sign of holiness. It was for a purpose, that purpose was so they and we do not get drawed into the destruction alcohol can bring.
Ann, you say you have not drank alcohol for 14 years and this is because of your ministry to the teens. Don't you see how the Holy Spirit has convinced you that you should not drink because you are a minister to others? If you study the scriptures you will see that we are ALL called to be ministers to others and it should not matter how big or small that role may look from the multitude's perspective, but rather from God's perspective. You are absolutely right to abstain from alcohol because of your ministry. That is fantastic! But Ann, we are all called to ministry and that same conviction you have about ministers and drinking alcohol should apply to every christian. You should embrace this royal priesthood teaching and teach your teens to abstain because of this. I am convinced God would bless your ministry and those kids will have something concrete to base their abstenence on and not this "well, as long as you don't get drunk" wishy-washiness that leads teens down a path of expermentation in their future. Give them something solid they can rest their principles on, that they can stand against this plague of alcohol that you know very well is destroying out teens and even our christian teens. I pray you consider and God bless you.
The scripture says, “Give beer to those who are perishing,That was not my explanation and that is not what verses 6 and 7 imply. Verses 6 and 7 is speaking of the dying, not the poor folk.
Stop accusing me of such things. Why do you misapply passages?Why would you misapply a perfectly clear passage of scripture?
Sometimes we all make mistakes and use a passage to make a point which the passage makes no such point and we have to humble ourselves and make corrections. But this passage is clear, it says nothing about "If a person cannot control their drinking".
Stop telling everyone here that they are adding to God's Word and then turn right around and do it yourself.
It was about earthly kings and rulers. You are not king and ruler. You need to stop trying to manipulate the scriptures to say things they do not.The scripture is clear, "it is not for kings to drink wine" period!
Here is the question again, “By the way Steaver, how much control do you have over the others rights?”I do not understand the question.
God said that about entering the tent of the meeting. Do not make up your own rules for us.That is correct, so you should see the instruction clearly, we are in the tabernacle!
However, you add to the word of God. Your idea of "wishy washy" is what God teaches and I would be very careful speaking that way of God's Word. Yes, we have, for a time chosen to abstain. That is our liberty, not law. We have friends who have not chosen to partake as their liberty and I know they also have a great ministry to those older than those we minister to. I will never add to God's Word so I will not practice or preach more than what is clearly written.
Well, I am giving you godly counsel. God says that you are a king and a priest (Rev 1:6) and God has instructed kings and priest are not to drink alcohol. God left no room for debate on these clear instructions.
Wine was used for many purposes throughout the bible. What is clear is that God does not want kings and priest partaking of it.
I have added nothing. God does not teach to drink wine, drinking wine is assumed by some who believe Jesus drank alcoholic wine. Not all believe that and have some credence in their presentations defending their beliefs. [an excellent balanced statement acknowledging two sides of an issue...we don't really know what Jesus drank...BUT IT COULD HAVE HAD ALCOHOL] We know for certain that God says kings and priest should abstain, this we know is fact. [except, of course, when the priests are off-duty...you keep forgetting to include that part] Of course, that includes all Christians who by birth have been placed in the kingship and priesthood of Christ. [there is no "of course" here. actually, Rev. 1:6 says we are a "kingdom of priests"...not "kings and priests." Anyway, it is not an "OF COURSE" of biblical interpretation to take EVERY command given to OT priests and kings and apply them to NT believers.] I notice you have had no refute of these truths, [actually, I just did] you just keep sticking on Jesus drinking wine. Something [SOME] scholars disagree with.
We are ALL ambassadors for Christ. As I said, the Spirit has convicted you correctly, but you fail to realize that all Christians are ministers for Christ.
Go, e eat your bread with joy,
And drink your wine with a merry heart;
For God has already accepted your works. - Ecc 9:7
You cause the grass to grow for the livestock
and plants for man to cultivate,
that he may bring forth food from the earth
15 and wine to gladden the heart of man,
oil to make his face shine
and bread to strengthen mans heart. - 104:14-15
I will restore the fortunes of my people Israel,
and they shall rebuild the ruined cities and inhabit them;
they shall plant vineyards and drink their wine,
and they shall make gardens and eat their fruit - Amos 9:14
Come, everyone who thirsts,
come to the waters;
and he who has no money,
come, buy and eat!
Come, buy wine and milk
without money and without price - Is 55:1
And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit,
Eph 5:8
They promise them freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption. For whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved. - 2 Pet 2:19
The scripture says, “Give beer to those who are perishing,
Wine to those who are in anguish:
Let them drink and forget their poverty
And remember their misery no more.
Do you not think those in poverty have anguish about it?
If a person cannot control their drinking, then they should not drink at all. Proverbs 31 says “lest they drink and forget what the law decrees, and deprive all the oppressed of their rights.” If you do NOT drink MUCH wine, you will NOT forget decrees, nor will it be your excuse for depriving all the oppressed of their rights.
Where did I say, “This passage says if a person cannot control their drinking”? Stop making up things I do not do.
It was about earthly kings and rulers. You are not king and ruler. You need to stop trying to manipulate the scriptures to say things they do not.
Here is the question again, “By the way Steaver, how much control do you have over the others rights?”
You used a scripture about kings and rulers. The scripture says they should stay away from wine and beer lest they drink and forget what the law decrees, AND DEPRIVE ALL THE OPPRESSED OF THEIR RIGHTS. Therefore, since you say this is about YOU and all Christians, tell me, do you have the ability to deprive all the oppressed of their rights?
God said that about entering the tent of the meeting. Do not make up your own rules for us.
Jesus turned water into wine for others to drink. Why do you make up rules and say things that go against Jesus?
God also tells me I am a spiritual child of abraham, yet I don't have to be circumsized or abstain from pork.
God told kings in the OT to write out their own copy of the Torah...Do I have to do that to, since I'm a king?
The only way your argument would be airtight would be IF we were either OT Jewish Kings (literally), or ON-DUTY priests..., Off-duty priest would be a different matter
The scripture says, “Let them drink and forget their poverty.” Do you know what poverty means?Do you really think we should be going into the streets of metropolitan cities and handing out wine to the homeless? Get serious Moriah. The context is the dying!
You think you are rebuking me. All you are doing is adding to God’s word. I fear for you.There you go repeating the same thing I just rebuked you on. Proverbs 31 says NOTHING about "addiction" or "out of control drinking". Stop adding in something that is not there!
I am EXPLAINING the scripture. You however, accused me of quoting the scripture when I did not."If a person cannot control their drinking, then they should not drink at all. Proverbs 31 says “lest they drink and forget what the law decrees, and deprive all the oppressed of their rights.”
Do you see how you used Proverbs 31 to affirm your statement?? That is where you said it.
Again, God did not say you are an earthly king and ruler who is in charge for a county.Christ says I am a king and I am a king in God's kingdom right now.
If you drink too much, then NO, do not drink at all.A spiritual kingdom, not of this world, yet in this world. I am a king among my brethren, and so are you! You would persuade me to believe that God told earthly kings they should not drink wine but God would not care if His spiritual kings drank wine. Does that really make any sense to you?
If I were your child, I would not trust nor respect what you said anymore about being a Christian, since you did not tell the truth about what the Bible says about Christians drinking.Here is the actual quote; "Lest they drink, and forget the law, and pervert the judgment of any of the afflicted".
We are responsible one for another. When we see our brothers or sisters going astray we are called to lovingly call them back into the fold. In order to do this we must make spiritual judgments and even judgments as to sinful actions. The scripture (Prov 31) is not saying that one drink will cause perverted judgments. It is saying don't even have one because it could lead you down a slippery slope. How true, as we see this played out in our teen world of their drug of choice - alcohol. It is sad that we should tell them this drug is ok by God. How terrible to teach such a thing to our children.
Why do you speak of scholars? A person could go to school for a long time and still not know God’s Truth.I gave scripture to support our tabernacle. I gave scripture to support our kingship and priesthood. It is well established that scholars are divided on the Jesus and alcohol debate.
My King Jesus Christ drank wine.What is not up for debate is our kingship and priesthood. One thing is perfectly clear, Jesus said we are kings and Jesus said kings are not to drink wine. This we can preach without controversey! Of course, you will always have those looking for a justification to take drugs. This will never change.
My King Jesus Christ drank wine.