New Member
Nonsense. A total straw man regarding true biblical soteriology. You're simply placing your opinion in Scripture and using an eisegetical analysis on which to base your erroneously garnered conclusions.
There will be no excuse, thus the responsibility of man and Sovereignty of God. You're giving man an excuse before God that it would be unjust to punish him if his will isn't free. That's exactly what you've implied.
God is just in showing mercy to whom He wills and punishing and hardening whom He wills. He's Sovereign in that way. You're showing you simply don't like that Sovereignty. Put it this way, God can damn any person He desires to damn, and to save whom He wills to save -- whether they have a free will or not -- in fact, He has done exactly this throughout history.
ANother thing, of course it takes God to bring a person to will to be saved -- that's a given -- but this doesn't take place in every man woman and child, just as Jesus didn't go heal every single person -- but chose to whom He would heal at times. All of this for an illustration of His Sovereignty in salvation.
Now you move from man saving himself by choice, and that if man doesn't have free will then God is unfair and must give it to him (as if man has rights) and of man in control of his own destiny in decisional evangelism to now moving toward giving God a little glory for it all.
How sweet.
Not really, it's quite patronizing.
Straw man argument. Mans will isn't free. He's enslaved to sin, only Jesus makes us free. You do err greatly. You have something to boast in -- that you chose -- but there is no boasting in salvation.
1 Corinthians 1:26-31 shows that it is God who chose and there is no boasting nor is there any factor in salvation to which man could boast (to which you leave ample room for) and which is in fact what you are actually doing.
You should underline 'God chose' in this passage and thank Him salvation only comes by His choice.
- Blessings
you mis-understand what I have stated again friend--Man cannot save himself PERIOD.Adam could have chosen to not eat of the tree--but he is like all other men--he loved that which was forbidden--Man chooses evil over God and the pleasures of this life over Christ--man does this because he loves sin and not God--all you are doing is giving man a excuse to have before God by saying he is bound and can do nothing--he can do something and he wills to do evil.
Yes God does the choosing--because man will never choose God --not because he has no free will--but because he uses his free will to choose evil
And its totally by Grace anyone is saved--but man is to blame and not God--man chooses Sin--BUT God chooses man.:love2::love2: