No, the problem for your view is lack of faith in the Word of God!
Well, I guess those apostles that could not cast the demon out of a boy are false apostles because of their faliure!
Look show me in scriptures where they have ceased...don't show me why you are in unbelief! Because without scriptures you are only showing me your opinion and your verifying you unbelief because you do not SEE it or READ about it today!
jesus healed ALL who came to him, right?
the Apostles in Acts, after they "got the Pentacostal power"...
peter and paul had healing gifts that operated same as jesus had, right?
near end of his life though, the Gift ceased to operate thru paul, right?
was it lack of faith for paul, or the time for them to cease operating?
Jesus last word to us in the Revelation warned us against ading to the words of the book, and warned us against the faleprophets/teachers to come in the end times to do great sign and wonders to deceive all except those saved by the lord, right?
Do you EVER wonder why the bible and the HS directs us to "look to Christ", while the Devil wants us to look at great signs and wonders in last days?