Your judgment of my walk does not change the facts in my own life...not can you get off me personally and address the Word of God. I have posted several post that no one has addressed. I assume it is because I covered it scriptures and they can not be refuted!
The gifts of the Spirit include the gifts of healing, of miracles, of languages. This is not an attack on your walk, so quit playing the martyr!
1. Have you ever demonstrated the gift of miracles in your life?
2. Have you ever demonstrated the gift of healing in your life--not a simple answer to prayer, but as Peter did in Acts 5:16: thousands receiving healing, and no exceptions.
3. Have you ever received the gift of languages--the ability to speak in foreign languages without interpretation as they did on the Day of Pentecost. They spoke in other known languages and they knew what they were saying. They were not mindless robots.
Yes! I am blessed because I bless them!
Really. Look again:
Genesis 12:2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
--Is this your promise, directed to you?
It says that God will bless those that bless you and God will curse them that curse you. It also says that out of you God will make a great nation; your name will be great.
All of that you have claimed for yourself.
You said "yes." Really? Or is this another hypocritical lie, typical of Charismatics.
Your examples are futher proof that you can not refute my post! You steer all threads to my personal walk and stay clear of the scripturess presented to you! I have dealt with that many times and have learned that about those that are blinded to what the scriptures are really teaaching. Futhermore...You want to claim the gifts are gone because I myself do not walk in the ones you posted. I have admitted several times that miracles are not done through me by the Holy Spirit! But I will not say it will not happen! Tongues and healings have! I have laid hands on several and they have recovered just as Mark says!
My examples are simple. Not every promise in the Bible is a promise that a believer living today can claim. The Abrahamic covenant was given to Abraham not to you, for example.
The gifts of the Spirit were given to first century churches before the Bible was complete and before the Apostles had died.
Today: miracles do happen; healing does happen, and people are able to LEARN other languages.
1. You do not have the gift of miracles--2Cor.12:12; Heb.2:3,4--the sign of an apostle to perform many signs and wonders or miracles to demonstrate that he was an apostle. You cannot do that. You don't have that gift.
2. You don't have the gift of healing, as Peter had that gift and demonstrated it in Acts 5:16.
3. You don't have the gift of languages as Paul did or the 120 did. You can't speak in other known languages.
So you will take the dictionary's word for the ones you agree with but throw out the ones like "manifestation"...Well, It is plain in that scripture that faith is believing before you SEE it!
Words have meanings. When you change the meanings of words you simply end up with foolishness. That is what you have done.
Concerning "manifestation," I don't like to use it because you have redefined it and given it an existential meaning. Concerning faith, you don't have a proper definition of it either. Use a dictionary!
Again you give illustrations that steer away for the plain truth! My facts are based on what the NT says! I am again sincerly sorry that you are in unbelief and will not walk in what it says we can have! Your not doing a very good job of keeping this post on subject of the Bible an off peoples personal walks!
The illustration I gave demonstrates that you don't have a clear definition of what faith is. You are redefining the word according to your own Charismatic beliefs.
So if I can show you one time that the apostles could not heal someone...will you drop this attempt to prove that the apostles could heal everyone without exception!
Acts 5:16 There came also a multitude
out of the cities round about unto Jerusalem, bringing sick folks, and them which were vexed with unclean spirits: and they
were healed every one.
--This is a demonstration of the gift of healing.
It is a gift you don't have, nor do any of your Charismatic friends. They are wolves in sheeps clothing--frauds.
Maybe if you would quit seeking tongues to do something other than what He said in scriptures it was for. What you are saying is that God gave tongues to evangalize. Isn't that what missionaries do?
Don't lie. Don't twist my words. I never said I was seeking tongues.
I said clearly that I know I have to learn languages. It would have been nice if that gift were in existence, but it is not and I clearly knew that. But for you to say that I sought for tongues is an outright slanderous lie.
William Carey was the father of the modern missionary movement.
He went to Indian in the 1800's. He didn't have the gift of so-called tongues. He studied. By the time his life was over he had translated the Bible or parts thereof into 44 different languages. Carey had no formal education. He was a shoe-cobbler. The learning of languages came from hard work, not miraculous intervention.
I hope neither of us have to have a miracles done in our lives! But on the same hand if I need one I know my God can still preform them anyway he choses!
More misrepresentation.
I never said that God does not do miracles.
I said that the gift of miracles has ceased. There is a difference.
Do you have the gift of miracles? Are you able to do the signs and wonders that Paul could (2Cor.12:12). Do you have that gift? If not why claim that you do, or even that it is still in existence if you can't point to anyone that has it? Pure hypocrisy!
Oh, but the whole Bible has to do with faith! We can not please God without faith! Man's misinterpretation and teachings is why we have stopped believing what God said is to be here until we see him face to face or known AS WE ARE KNOWN.
You don't even know what that verse means.
We please God by a walk of faith. That is true, but not by wishing for promises that are not directed to us, like parting the Red Sea, or wishing to have the gift of miracles which you don't have.
Your misinterpretation of God's Word leads people into unbelief and into emotional turmoil and destruction.
But they are scriptural and they were given for the church! The last time I looked he has not come for his bride that he gave the gifts too!
gift of Miracles? gift of healings? gift of languages?
Nope. Haven't seen them. There is no evidence. Hasn't been for more than 1900 years. They were given to the churches of the first century. Read the context of the Scriptures when you read them.
Nowhere in the scriptures does it say that I can divide the seas... So you can not take away what my Father in heaven promised me and I received by faith!!!!!
That is in Acts chapter two. And nowhere does that promise include the sign gifts. It simply means that they who believe in Christ will receive the indwelling of the Spirit as opposed to the Spirit coming upon them as did happen in the OT. God would be with them continually forever. He would never leave them nor forsake them.
1. Do you hear a sound from heaven like a mighty rushing wind fill your house every time you "speak in tongues."
Then you know it is not Pentecost, not of God.
2. Do you see cloven tongues like fire above your head (use a mirror). Then you know it is not Pentecost and not of God.
3. It is a real "Biblical" language that others can understand and say: "I am amazed that I am hearing this foreign language which is my actual mother tongue." If not it is not of God.
My history book is the Bible! You need to study your history books a little deeper concerning the manifestation of the Holy Spirit!
Biblical history ended 2,000 years ago.
There is something to be said for history since that time; it cannot be dismissed. There is something to be said about what is happening today as well. You don't live in isolation. You don't have sole claim on the Word of God. Your attitude of everyone in the span of 1900 years is wrong, and I am the only one is right, is the height of arrogance; unbelievable vanity!
So I am to throw the last 10 years of my walk with Jesus away because people on this board disagree with the plain truth in scriptures!
Examine your position on scripture. Perhaps you don't have the plain truth on Scripture and have likely been deceived.
NO WAY! No one has shown me in the Word of God that they have ceased! They did share their interpretation of scriptures which contradict other scriptures! The way I believe and live out does not contradict scriptures!
It does contradict other Scriptures. But you refuse to listen; refuse to be taught or have a teachable spirit.
I am not asking someone to accept a movement! I am sharing the Word of God! YOu are the one that brings that up to lead people away from studing what the scriptures say and focusing on religions and movements!
You are a Charismatic, and as such have associated yourself with the entire Charismatic movement. You have embraced false doctrine. The doctrine you share is not the truth. It is Scripture that has been twisted from its context and oft times been redefined to mean something it doesn't mean. It is error.