Doctrine is not proved through experience; it is proved through the Word of God. Get a copy of John MacArthur's book "Charismatic Chaos" and read it. He deals with that subject extensively. Many people have wacky experiences. What does that prove. Some Charismatics claim to have gone up to heaven, then down to hell and come back again. What doctrine does that prove? What do Out of the Body experiences prove? (That they have had a good dose of an anesthetic). People have experienced seeing demons. People experience all kind of things. Experiences don't verify the Bible. They don't teach doctrine.Well, I can relate to the OP....that was my experience!
If you were not taught the Bible correctly, or the whole Bible then whose fault is that? Go to a church that expounds the Word of God properly! That preaches against ecumenism and the Charismatic movement, and why.I was not taught the whole truth! I was taught as you are trying to teach others here! To deny the manifestation of the HOly Spirit!
You were gullible and embraced heresy, and told why you should embrace this heresy. The majority of J.W.'s have a Baptistic background, but are not grounded in the Word of God. They were like you.When I was taught the truth concerning this...I embrace that truth by faith!
There is no personal attack.Now again I am asking you to stay off my personal walk and debate scriptures! I have noticed those that can not debate scriptures always attack the persons walk or character!
You claim things. You say you can do things. Then you are challenged, and you can't do them.
Here is a similar incident.
Charles Taze Russel was in court on charges of fraud.
He had told various people that he could read the NT in Greek.
This was in Canada. Upon swearing to uphold the truth and nothing but the truth, a Greek NT was placed in front of him. He was asked to read it aloud. He couldn't do what he claimed to be able to do. He was almost deported from Canada just on that charge alone. He was a fraud in the eyes of the other religious leaders of the community and declared publicly to be one.
This is the leader of the J.W.'s.
You are in the same boat. You are claiming to do things that you cannot do. If we had the same kind of people in our generation as we did in his generation they would take you to court and tell you to prove it. You would be told to demonstrate your claims of miracles and healings and abilities to speak in other languages. If you could not you would be charged with fraud. Everyone in the community would look upon you as a charlatan. Give me one good reason why they shouldn't do that right now? Why do you claim things you cannot do?