Am I reading this right? It appears to me that you are saying that in the end, ALL humans, whether they have repented of their sins, and accepted Jesus Christ as their personal saviour, or not, will be in heaven? Is this correct? Do you believe that there will be any people in hell at all, and is their any eternal suffering for those who reject the God of the Holy Bible? thanks
The WHOLE intent of the written word ~ IS precisely for ANY man to seek and LEARN the KNOWLEDGE God has provided for ALL to read and know HOW a man OF the earth, (who is fallen AWAY from God, which applies to ALL men), can....
1) LEARN about God.
2) LEARN the historical experiences of men WHO became faithful AND those WHO didn't.
3) LEARN the consequences of men WHO become faithful AND those WHO do not.
4) LEARN HOW TO and WHEN TO submit to the Lord.
5) LEARN WHAT a man receives from the Lord for the man's SUBMISSION of faithfulness unto the Lord.
6) LEARN WHAT a man receives from the Lord for the man's REJECTION of faithfulness unto the Lord.
7) LEARN THAT everyone IS an individual and must make his OWN choices and "elections" to be faithful unto the Lord.....or NOT.
8) LEARN THAT the Lord is not slack ~ His work is done ~ His preparations for EVERY individual is already accomplished......BECAUSE.....God already KNOWS a mans "choices".....BEFORE the man knows his OWN choices.
9) LEARN God IS SPIRIT ~ and the big picture is for a NATURAL man OF the earth, to BECOME made WHOLE, which requires a mans CHANGE "FROM" Natural TO Spiritual; and for a man to accomplish that....REQUIRES that to be ACCORDING TO God WAY.......which is precisely taught in the written Word of God.
Do you believe that there will be any people in hell at all, and is their any eternal suffering for those who reject the God of the Holy Bible?
A "man" who rejects God, NEVER receives "eternal" life.
Every "man" is a body.
Every "living man" has received Life from God ie a Living soul.
NOT every man receives a NEW SPIRIT, ie born again.
A man WHO does receive a NEW SPIRIT, IS a man with eternal life.
Did his body die? Yes. Will his living soul die? No. Will his spirit die? No.
And? What about the man WHO never receives a New "eternal living" spirit?
His dead body is in the grave, never to become a "changed" body.
His living soul is in hell, WITHOUT God, and WITHOUT the beauty of the earths surface.
He never received an ETERNALLY living spirit.
So how is his Living soul experiencing existence, as he chose, WITHOUT God?
It is TORMENT. No relief, No pleasures, No comfort, No God with him.....and full well KNOWING there is NO hope for him to reconcile with God.
And? How long does this "physical" TORMENT last?
For unbelieving OT men from the beginning WHO never reconciled to the Lord and physically bodily died...
...SO FAR a few thousands of years.
...AND? for men today? No one is given the Time-frame of HOW LONG before they will be judged.
AND? What about WHEN they are judged, WHAT occurs?
Their dead body's are raised from the grave, and go to hell.
Their living soul is imparted into their dead body's.
Life resumes in their body.
(noting, their body does NOT become changed)
They stand before Christ the Lord. See Him. Trust. Believe. Bow down to Him.
Then the Records (the BOOK of LIFE) is opened.
According to the RECORD (the evidence), is the man judged.
There will be NO RECORD of that man having received ETERNAL LIFE.
The Life (that belongs to God) will be departed from the mans soul, and such life will return to God.
Life departed from the mans soul, also means life is departed from the mans body.
Then the sentence is carried out.
The lifeless body and soul is thrown into the Lake of Fire, thus Destroyed.
So, how does a DESTROYED body and soul, "suffer TORMENT" "forever"?
Physically it doesn't.
Spiritually, the TORMENT forever, means that body and that soul, SHALL NEVER be reconciled unto God.
And the man NEVER received "a new forever living spirit"....thus there IS no forever LIFE in him TO forever physically suffer.
So WHAT does suffer TORMENT forever in the Lake of Fire mean?
Spirits, (which NEVER die), but that which rejected God, which is ie; fallen angels.
Forever they shall be fully aware of their Torment, suffering in flames that are never quenched, with no escaping, suffering separation FROM God, with no option of reconciliation unto God.