one kind is enoughBecause that is the source of our nature to commit sin according to Romans 5:12.
No one has to teach a child to sin. Sooner or later a child will commit personal sin.
An apple tree is still an apple tree before it bears fruit.
I understand what you are saying. If we pre-existed our birth here on earth as spirit beings (and perhaps sinned) then why are we imputed with the sin of Adam.
In my view (The view of most of orthodox Christianity) our sin nature has its inception in Adam and that was imputed to each of us at the time of Adam's sin.
Supposing that we did have a pre-existence - that is an interesting question related to our relationship with Adam.
Personally I believe Romans 5:12 definitely teaches we sinned in Adam. Admittedly There is debate about that but the grammar is the proof thereof.
Yes. So I am two-fold a sinner.
the physical cannot sin, Sin,is an offense to God and is a spiritual response to spiritual stimuli, The physical cannot , just like trying decide the size or weight of a color