So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Gen 1:27
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Gen 2:7
And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Gen 2:8,9
But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. Gen 2:17
Who else was in the garden?
Was God testing the man He had created in his image and the man fail the test or was God through the failure of the man made in his image going to destroy the other, "one," in the garden. Was the other, "one," in the Garden already the Adversary of God?
According to the Word of God what was necessary in order to destroy the devil the one who had the power of death?
Heb 2:14 YLT Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;
Where was death going to come from? What brings the death?
Was it foreordained before Adam sinned for Christ to shed his blood. If Adam had not sinned, salvation would have been by works of law?
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Gen 2:7
And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Gen 2:8,9
But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. Gen 2:17
Who else was in the garden?
Was God testing the man He had created in his image and the man fail the test or was God through the failure of the man made in his image going to destroy the other, "one," in the garden. Was the other, "one," in the Garden already the Adversary of God?
According to the Word of God what was necessary in order to destroy the devil the one who had the power of death?
Heb 2:14 YLT Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;
Where was death going to come from? What brings the death?
Was it foreordained before Adam sinned for Christ to shed his blood. If Adam had not sinned, salvation would have been by works of law?