I always sit down when I do the BB.Oh, sit down, John. I was primarily responding to Revmitchell.

Understood. Yet there it was. And the other preterists did not comment much, either.I did not comment on much of what was written in your thread at first because I had too much going on and had little chance to be online. I probably would have agreed with much of what was written.I would have to go back and read it.
The "purple cow" line is an old one I learned when I was a kid. I thought it spiced things up a bit. Sorry you didn't get it.Don't understand what I meant with John 14? Neither did I comprehend your "purple cow" silliness. If you were as well read in commentaries (I mean a wide range of commentaries) you would have gotten my point. But I am not going to waste any more time on that.
As for your John 14 comment, I've translated the verses into two different languages, and yes, I have read commentaries on it, and there is no way in the world that your "sheep stalls" comment had anything to do with John 14.
Here's what I think. I think you mixed up John 10, which is not about the 2nd Coming, with John 14:1-3, which is. Now you are embarrassed about it, and can't bring yourself to admit your error here in public.

Not my thread now, but relevant. You had ample opportunity to actually comment on the thread, but chose instead to try to derail it three times. I expect that from you on this thread, too.Why are you still moaning about my derailing your previous thread? Is this your thread now?
I have done no such thing, and you know it. This is an absolute mischaracterization, a false attack, and disingenuous. I insist on the correct meaning of parousia in every single place it occurs, and once again have translated it into Japanese every single time it occurs. and many times into English. And it is not found "several times" in the Bible, but 24, as you yourself pointed out.You put "parousia" as antithetical to Scripture. You well know that it is a biblical term. Found several times on the Bible.
Quit muddying the waters. I have Josephus and consult it often. And yes, gematria is a form of numerology. But both of those things were irrelevant to my thread and you know it. Parousia might have been relevant if you had approached it in a different way, but the way you broached it was not in line with the OP.Josephus, while not scripture, gives us our first-hand description of what Christ had prophesied. How can it not be important? While gematria (not numerology, per se) is a valid means of understanding 666 whether or not you accept it. Gematria is not very important otherwise IMO. And I believe there are plenty of other ways to show that Nero was the man meant.
By this post, you are proving the OP. Preterism is easily defeated simply by good exegesis, and preterists like you choose to try to sidetrack the discussions rather than answer the points.
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