The command stands by negates nothing.
The command states: God commands all men everywhere to repent.
That command infers that the unregenerate must already have the ability to believe.
You make that inference on your own....the command does not make it however.....that is your error.
God does not give commands that cannot be obeyed.
This has already been shown...Lazarus come forth!
The Calvinist believes that faith comes only after regeneration. Acts 17:30 requires faith to repent.
No one verse lays out a complete chronology or timeline of how salvation unfolds. I said that in the first post,and you ignored it..I said we look through all of scripture to get a correct understanding.
One cannot repent without faith. Faith is needed. This is where Calvinism falls apart.
One of the main points of the reformation was sola fide
[hide] 1 Sola scriptura ("by Scripture alone")
2 Sola fide ("by faith alone")
3 Sola gratia ("by grace alone")
4 Solus Christus or Solo Christo ("Christ alone" or "through Christ alone")
5 Soli Deo gloria ("glory to God alone")
so this is nonsense..try again
Secondly the command is given to the totally depraved. A totally depraved person is commanded to repent. He is not regenerated first. He first must repent. Then he may become regenerated. Faith comes first; it always comes first. He needs the faith in order to repent.
Salvation is never ...never...because of is always by faith ..or through faith...never because of long as you resist this your error will repeat itself!
If a depraved person is not regenerated first..he remains unsaved.and dead..or
Calvinism has it backwards.
You my friend have it completely it seems that way to you..but we all see it just the opposite of what you post:thumbsup:
Thus Acts 17:30 defeats many of the premises of Calvinism. Faith comes first, as does repentance.